Saturday, August 06, 2005

Some damn people

I'm starting to realize (oddly enough from reading a children's book) that sometimes it's perfectly acceptable to be rude to pople who make unreasonable requests and act arrogantly or stupidly. Perhaps there's nothing wrong wih openly declaring that you don't like someone or the things that they do. For example, if you work in a shop selling a particular product which is wrapped in a protective casing, and to allow customers to get a peek at the product there is a display model, it is perfectly acceptable to say, loud and clear; "Excuse me, sir. Please stop unwrapping that." And when they say that they only wanted to see what it was like on the inside, it is once again, perfectly acceptable to inform them that there is a display model and that the product they are unwrapping looks quite identical.

People like this irritate me. They kind of remind me of this guy:

"Squawk squawk sqauwk."


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