Homework tomorrow, Answers tonight!
I waited 2 whole days. I think that's all the waiting I could stand. Here you go:
Natty-Pantaloons asked the following:
What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
It's a tie between "Solaris" with George Clooney, and "The Pledge" with Jack Nicholson. Both movies contained a completely random mental breakdown by a character who should have known better. In fact, it was written into their characters that they knew better than to succumb to the pressures of their environments. At five seperate times during "The Pledge" I said hopefully "The end? (pause) Damn it!" The reason I kept saying that is because the story wrapped itself up five seperate times. And Solaris is the first time I considered walking out of a movie. Had I not been part of a birthday party I would have.
How do you feel about going the movies or out to eat by yourself?
I have no problem with it. I was a little self-conscious at first, but I grew to like it. I've only been to one movie by myself, but it was quite enjoyable. I think I'll do it again.
How high is your confidence? Does it bother you when someone laughs at you or criticizes you or does it just bounce right off ya?
I suppose it all depends on who's doing the criticizing. There are some people who are unfortunately skilled in the art of making someone feel small, and when they focus their attentions on you it certainly does hurt. And when someone you look up to takes a jab at ou, that ain't too fun eiher. I guess I've been lucky in that I'm usually able to laugh at myself before anyone else gets the opportunity. If it's a real criticism and not just "huh huh, that guy tripped, huh huh" then I try to use it, rather than let it bother me.
Do you have any nasty habits?
No. I am a paragon of virtue.
Everyone has nasty habits! Not everyone broadcasts them on the internet though, and so I say good day! Ask me in person some day when I have a drink in my hand and you might get an answer.
Would you rather lead a happy and exciting personal life and be unsatisfied with your career or have a fantastic job that you enjoy but have a miserable personal life?
Well, seeing as both choices leave me unhappy for at least half the day, can i choose neither? I guess it would be easier to rationalize having an unsatisfying career than a miserable personal life. An unsatisfying career would at least pay the bills.
Liz said:
I still want to know what your all-time favourite song is.
Sorry, that's not a question. More of a statement. Plus I don't know. There hasn't been a song that has stuck with me for "all-time." Apologies, etc.
Angelo asked:
When you blog, who do you perceive as being your audience?
It used to be just me. I went into this assuming that I would be the only one who ever read it, but lately I seem to be more viewer oriented. Perhaps this is why I've lost a little bit of the spark. I should stop viewing this as one long slow Messanger conversation and get back to having fun for fun's sake.
Resta said:
Some nice things! Thanks Resta, whoever you are!
Michael asked:
Is your weiner bigger than mine?
Before I answer this, I thought this would be as good a time as any to generally comment on the good ol' Inter Net. The last two comments on the "questions" post seem to sum up what the Inter Net is aaaaaallllll about. Occasional connections between people in ways that would not have been possible before; Moments of insight, creativity and understanding followed up immediately by stark sexuality. I'm not complaining. I just think it's funny. You know the movie "Closer"? Julia Robert's character put it best when she said "The Internet. Humanity's first global communication system. A chance for new forms of peace and democracy. The guiding light of the future world. And what do we get? Two guys wanking in cyberspace." And Clive Owen says "He was the wanker."
So to answer your question, Yes, like everyone else on the internet, my dick is enormous and yours is teeny-tiny. Besides, it's spelled "wiener", LOSER!!!
Then Liz asked another question:
If you knew that tomorrow was your last day on earth, what would you do with your final 24 hours?
Probably grieve and feel sorry for myself, then resolve to do everything I've ever wanted but realize that would mean giving poor last memories of myself to some people, and since I'd want to be remembered fondly, I'd plan my funeral and make a mix CD for everyone who was coming. Then I'd spend the rest of my time among the company of those I care most about. I'd also probably cry a lot.
Satisfied? No? Then keep asking, and I'll keep answering.
Yeesh, who rented Solaris for the birthday party?
It's odd to be in a position where I can say "You know, I liked Solaris!" while also having no arguments whatsoever against claims of it being the worst movie a person has ever seen.
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