Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Developing a grudge

Call me racist if you must, but I frickin' hate Blacks. Did you know that to get the following:

1 disposable camera
1 "processing included" roll of film
1 picture CD

processed in one and a half hours costs a few cents under $30? Because I sure didn't know! I asked them to break down the pricing for me because it all seemed very expensive. They seemed kind of shocked that I thought it was overpriced. Seeing as I can get the exact same things done at a grocery store for about $12? Fucking right you're overpriced! Also, apparently when they say "Processing included" they don't mean it. What they should say is "Processing included if you want to wait 5 - 7 days, otherwise, PONY UP!" I am never going back to a Blacks again.

Had you thinking I don't like black people for a second, didn't I?


At 2:40 p.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...


At 9:55 a.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

Hengen's HA has become a lot more croaky of late. Maybe she's sick.


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