Monday, January 02, 2006

Letter to the Editor

Dear New Year's Eve,

Get off my back already. I've never really liked you, New Year's Eve. You always force everyone and their dog to have a party, because "That's what you do on New Year's Eve," and it completely stretches me thin every year. "Oh, you could come by my party for a while if you've got other places to go," they say, and they're right. I could. But I don't ever feel particularly inclined to visit 7 different places on a night when I'm supposed to be drunk off my ass. Why do you make people do this, New Year's Eve? Did Dick Clark put you up to it? Because 7 seperate parties means seven seperate tv's tuned into Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve? Which means 7 Neilson points instead of just one? Dang it New Year's Eve! You can't give in to peer pressure like that! And by the way, 7 seperate tv's tuned into Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve also means 7 seperate groups of people who realize instantly that Hilary Duff hasn't memorized her lines, as well as wonder why exactly they gave that girl from the Bangles a bass if she wasn't going to play it! Shape up, New Year's Eve, or we shall have words again next year.

Sleepy and Surly in Sudbury.


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