Monday, March 06, 2006

There. I said it.

Anyone who didn't like Crash is a racist.

Which makes about as much sense as all the Crash-bashers who are trying to make me feel stupid for liking the damn movie.

Still, heh heh... didn't see that one coming.


At 11:52 p.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

Yeesh! I hope you're not referring to me! The comment on my blog suggests you might be....

That noted:

Unless I had one of my patented overstressed freak outs, I don't think I've ever called anyone stupid for merely disagreeing with me.

In fact, I discuss disagreements. I value discussion over just about everything, including myself. Anyway, I think there's a marked distinction between discussing something you don't like and damning people who do as idiots; if I cross the line, I expect to receive a comment pointing it out, which I'll respond to, as I tend to do. I might've made a comment about getting frustrated by most supporters of Crash (not Liz, who I had a back-and-forth with, and not you, who I never spoke to about it) for quickly dismissing my view -- it's executed too broadly and too simplistically to succeed at what it's reaching for, and so it feels condescending to me -- as cynical, or sarcastic, or too critical. Believe me, being dismissed as a disinterested, curmudgeonly old cynic when you love Cameron Crowe movies (Elizabethtown too) and shout things like "Whoo hoo! You rocked in Patch Adams!" when one of your favorite actors gets an Oscar makes you feel a little stupid, too.

As for the assumption that I'd immediately jump to my computer to curse humankind after Crash won, which I found a bit cynical myself, and kind of patronizing considering my attempt to respond to even the posts I disagree with here (I loved Solaris! And I don't think I was particularly mean about Kong on your blog)...hey! I'm a movie lover, you know! I like talking about these things rather than being given the suggestion that I'm obvious and snarky and will likely vomit all over the Academy at the first chance I get.

I did go to the trouble of finding three lovely pictures as well as screenplay excerpts from the film and writing a lot about it, and I did give kudos to its acting, especially Matt Dillon and Terrence Howard; I don't think that was unfair, unless my disliking Crash is to be considered unfair in itself. And I didn't come here to say, "HAPPY CRASH WON? GRR!" or anything, did I?!

Argh! It's tough being opinionated. People assume you're just being a prick unless they agree with you!

Angelo's just feeling the effects of having fingers pointed at him all day for being the only person who didn't like Crash, and all the fingers said something to the effect of, "you're just too critical," which reduces me to the cultural stereotype of "Angry English Major."

Anyway, be glad you didn't get stuck behind the idiot in the Great Hall who called Crash "the gayest shit I ever saw." I don't even know where to begin pointing out the irony there.

At 12:29 a.m., Blogger jeff said...

im not afraid to admit it doesnt deserve best picture

At 8:11 a.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

Luke: I'm not afraid.
Yoda: You will be. You will be.

At 1:28 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't like Crash. I don't think that makes me a "Crash-basher." I don't think Crash was a better made film than Brokeback Mountain and I certainly don't think it was the best picture of the year. If you think differently, I don't think that makes you stupid.

But I am genuinely curious, is there a reason you feel the need to ... I don't know, gloat over the fact Crash won Best Picture? Is it because you think ... that "showed" a certain group of people? If so, what do you think it "showed" them?

Do you believe the Oscars are "important" and can have an impact on how people think about film and what makes a quality film? Do you think the Oscars matter to people who care about film? If you don't, then why would you care what won? And if you DO then why would you think it's odd that anyone would immediately want to discuss their thoughts about them?

And I really would like to hear your opinion on the "You're My Best Friend!!" maid scene and why that works within the context of the film. And I'd like to know if you can name any characters from the film off the top of your head.

And I hope you'll still go for a beer with me someday when I finally get around to visiting Sudbury! :)


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