A "Star" is Born!
Well, it's happened. I've been interviewd and printed in the Sudbury Star. Rob O'Flanagan (who's a pretty nice guy and who I've known for a few years now) called me at work yesterday and asked if he could ask me twenty questions for the paper. I said sure, because it was deader than this guy at the Gallery yesterday. I said some defamitory things about Sludgebury (which I still loathe with all my soul) and there are some spelling mistakes which make me look like a FRICKIN' IDIOT! (I would never say "logically outcome" instead of "logical conclusion" which I actually said. DAMN YOU O'FLANAGAN! Nor would I say "Ya" instead of "Yeah".) but that shouldn't stop you from rushing to your corner store and snatching up all the copies you can find.
There's also a picture of me that kind of makes me look like a nut, but everyone's overly self-critical, so who knows?
And now I feel like another stream of consciousness photo montage! Here we go!
Future Wizard/Nazi/Mutant/King
I think they overdid it on the beard
Another (reluctant) Wizard
I'm taking a course on this guy next year
She was once on my list of the most beautiful women in the world. I wonder if she still is...
I'm all like "Awwww!" and he's all like "Damn!"
(Typing in "damn" gets you a lot of overweight cats and "See Britney's Huge Bra-less Boobs!" so we'll skip it.)
This is a painting called "The Cursed Gift" by Cassie Taggart.
I wonder if the "W" stands for "Warlord."
I like how it says "The Journey Continues" at the bottom. Hehehe... Where does it continue to?
Does anyone actually use this stuff?
I think this has reached it's logical conclusion. Probably more later. I'm feeling bored and really really tired, which seems to add up to creative. I'm going to go read Dante's Inferno! (Yes, I'm only telling you that so you'll think I'm cool and cultural. But I have read it before and I am going to read it now.) TTFN!
Damn you and your post-Schell Shakespeare class!
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