The new Scorcese
I've just made a flip decision, and decided to see who else would want to get on board (despite the fact that you're all just figments of my imagination).
This next summer (if I'm still around, both mentally and physically) I think I want to make a short film. I don't know about what, or really anything at this point, only that it might be fun! I'm looking for partners in crime, because I don't have a camera or editing equipment, or an original score, or even an idea. I just haven't done anything like this in a long, long, long time and I'm getting the itch again. (alternatively, I'm looking for pawns I can use to fulfil my manic need for artistic stimulation and bad lighting)
Who's in?
I just had an idea! How about a creature feature? We can use Jenny's chameleon Ichabod as the monster! And have a really half-baked "scientific" solution to the problem!
I have recently decided to put aside my anti-film acting policy in favour of a pro-film acting policy. If you need actors (perhaps a helpless damsel to be consumed by the giant iguana) I'll be there.
I'm in, Jeff will be in, and if Jeff and I are in, Luke will be in.
The question is really, "who isn't in?"
hee hee hee... When I read Natalie's comment, I thought she was cursing.
"Aw Christchurch! I dropped the jam!"
Luke: have you heard of that indie film they made in Ottawa called Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer?
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