Monday, October 17, 2005

A Short Play by A. Root

[A meeting held in a medium-sized room. There is a podium and many chairs set up. The size of the crowd gathered will not require a microphone at the podium. There is a window in the wall behind the podium.]

1: We're now going to vote on whether or not to raise our membership fee by $5 so that we can also increase our donation to local charities.

2: Excuse me. We had worked into our budget that we would be donating a certain amount already for next year, so to raise our membership fee would be going against our own budget. [laughs] And Lord knows, a-ha-ha-ha I don't think we want that!

1: Yes, well if this intiative is passed we would have to work out a new budget.

2: [exasperated] I'm sorry, but I worked long and hard on this budget, and quite frankly I do not appreciate being brushed to the sidelines like this.

1: We aren't brushing you to the-

2: Excuse me, but that is exactly what you are doing. And I know that I'm not only speaking for myself here, but for the seven others who worked on this budget, and whose work you are also invalidating.

1: Muriel-

2: Don't you "Muriel" me! I have had just about enough of your attitude! If you cannot chair this meeting, then I will!

[2 moves to the front of the room, snatches the notes out of 1's hand and takes the podium.]

2: Good. Now that that's settled, we'll just get rid of this "new budget" business, seeing how much work went into figuring out the first draft anyway.

3: I think memberships are just fine the way they are.

2: Right you are, Margaret. Right you are.

3: By asking us to raise them, Margot is also asking us to redo our personal budgets as well!

2: Exactly, Margaret. Exactly.

3: I for one, do not need that inconvenience.

2: Quite true. Quite true.

1: [feebly] It's five dollars...

2: I've had quite enough out of you. All those in favour of the unaltered budget, say "aye"

All [except 1]: AYE!

[2 begins efficiently counting the hands raised. A homeless person walks by the window and looks in. 2 notices and, horrified rushes to the window and draws the curtains. Smoothing her feathers, she returns to the podium.]

2: Now. Where was I? Oh, yes. 17, 18, 19...

The End.


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