Monday, November 21, 2005

The deed is done.

Well, after about 3 weeks of hemming and hawing over the state of a certain purchase I went ahead and took the plunge. In 8 - 12 business days I will be the happy (albiet broke - money can't buy happiness!) owner of a white 30GB video iPod with "'Thrift, thrift, Horatio' - Hamlet I, ii, 180" inscribed on the back. Some things which tipped the scales:

-Jenny's reminder that if we go on a road-trip, no more bulky CD's!
-Jay telling me that at this point in my life I should be my own charity
-Liz's story about how if she donated money to charity they'd just give it back to her.
-Natalie telling me to stop being such a pussy and spend her hard earned $5. (Thanks again!)
-Being pretty sure that I can make it through the holiday season without starving to death or cheapskating a bunch of people (barring a major disaster, of course).

Sooooo... cool! I'm getting a little closer to being "hip" and "with it." Maybe if I get a cell phone.... No. That probably won't happen. Just call me at home.


At 1:41 a.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

My iPod has only left my room to go on road trips. It only makes you a hipster if you want to be one.

That said...congrats! Also, a high three to you for your incorporation of both Macbeth and Hamlet into one post.

At 11:37 a.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

Hey, I've got no issue with Mike Newell. And I liked the film as a whole. My problem is with the way Michael Gambon is playing Dumbledore. In his interpretation, Dumbledore has no mystique, no presense, no control. I had so little respect for him! The way Richard Harris played him, you got the sense that even with events spiralling way out of control, even with the odds stacked immeasurably against him, there was no need to worry because he was Dumbledore. Michael Gambon's take on the character is frenzied, angry, much too brooding. Dumbledore shouldn't ask Prof. McGonegal "What do you suggest we do?" with sarcasm and sting in his voice. He should ask her that because he genuinely wants to know her opinion. Whether or not he will take her advice is another matter, but he'd at least be willing to listen.

But now Richard Harris is dead, and I'm stuck with a guy who wears little bells on a string around his beard.

To summarize: Mike Newell = Good!
HP4 = Good!
Michael Gambon as Dumbledore = Wrong direction!

At 4:20 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear last time i was here, i wasn't allowed to leave a comment.
But today, I am allowed! huzzah!

Thanks for saying hi! *bows*

Stop being a pussy and spend Nat's money. Use it wisely.
Also, congrats on the Ipod,and congrats on the Macbeth reference, thats hot.

ta ta for now!

At 10:15 p.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

Hi Sammers! So Macbeth references make you all hot and bothered, eh? I'll just file that away in the "things I'm not sure I would ever have known" drawer. Ciao for niao!

Hi Resta! TiVo scares me. Since I stopped watching tv about a year ago, most things do. Especially the new "PVR" ads with the hypnotist in them. I can't help but think of some ad exec wringing his hands and saying "Why don't we just stop pretending that we're not trying to get all their money? Let's just come right out and say it!" And then giving himself a raise. And then possibly devouring a goat.


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