Thursday, November 10, 2005

When you don't know what to do, do something pointless

10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: Green is currently tied with blue
Favorite Food: Shepherd's Pie
Favorite Band: White Stripes
Favorite Movie: Muppet Treasure Island
Favorite Sport: I don't do sports.
Favorite Season: Late Summer
Favorite Day Of the Week: Thursday after 4:30pm
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cookie Dough
(There are only 8 "tens"...?)

9 Currents...
Current Mood: Frustrated with Humanity
Current Taste: Mint
Current Clothes: Jeans, "Texas" t-shirt, Blue Man Group sweatshirt, black socks.
Current Computer: IBM Think Station in the library
Current Finger/Toenail Color: 1/20 are coloured in black from when I was bored
Current Time: 12:47pm
Current Surroundings: Right outside the Writing assistance program office.
Current Annoyance(s): People, my life.
Current Thought: I don't know what I'm going to do.

8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Timmy! (Not Timmay)
First Screen Name: Who remembers this junk?
First Pet: Pupper the Beagle
First Piercing: N/A
First Crush: Jody in the first grade.
First Music: Barenaked Ladies
First time you flew in a plane: Going to Disneyland when I was 6.

7 Lasts
Last Cigarette: N/A
Last Drink: Water.
Last Car ride: The ride to school
Last Text Message: I don't get these.
Last Movie Seen: 1/2 of Caberet
Last Phone call: To Dooly's
Last CD Played: U2 - The Joshua Tree

6 Have You Ever....
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: No. Came close, but no.
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yep.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: No.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes.
Have You Ever Been on TV: I was one of those idiots who they use as sound bytes before the commecial on the news admitting that I didn't know people could be allergic to cologne.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: I think I've gotten everyone's name.

5 Things....
You Did Last Night:
1. Yelled numbers at people
2. Slept
3. Recieved various death threats
4. Pet my dog.
5. Fretted.

4 Places You've Been Last...
1. C-101
2. Brenda Wallace Reading Room (more like the "Don't read the sign which says 'QUIET!' room")
3. Various occupied computer labs
4. Bed

3 People You Can Tell Anything...
1. Jenny
2. Stephie
3. (lately) Krystal

2 current loves...
1. Virginia Woolf
2. Tilda Swinton

1 last song played...
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie


There's still an hour and a half until my next distraction. This didn't take up enough time. Now I'm stuck with myself, and that's bad news.


At 4:40 p.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

Ahhhh how I love Virginia.

At 7:02 p.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

I indeed do put ketchup/catsup on my "shit-on-shingles." Wow. Previous to that catchy moniker, the worst I'd heard it referred to as was "Pre-chewed Food." Is it pronounced as "Hey! There's shit on those shingles!" Or "Hey! Those shingles got shit on!" ? These are the questions that demand an answer.

And you're right! I was having a crappy day! And you know what? For NO GOOD REASON AT ALL! It's still kind of there, but not as bad as earlier. Thanks for the concern. It really is much appreciated.

And Virginia loves you too, sweet sweet Angelo! Surely she will pray for your soul as you attend dinner with Shannon, Tom, and (insert Glover's first name here)!


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