Friday, December 16, 2005

The Giant Gorilla Blues

Just today I was doing the usual rounds on the ol' Inter Net when I came across Angelo's site. I had to stop myself after reading the first line of his King Kong review becasue I hadn't seen the movie yet. Well, I just got back from seeing King Kong, so I read the full review. This may be one of those things that we just have to agree never mention to each other because we'll break into a bitter arguement at a cocktail party and make the atmosphere really tense.

I loved the film. I don't know what all this business is about "tedious reliance on slow-motion to convey any emotion or major plot point." Did we see the same movie? So it takes a long time to get to the heart of the matter, so what? Is "Beauty is wonderful" such a terrible message? Not to mention that there are others aspects to the film beyond just that simple reduction. Naomi Watt's scream alone is worth the entire three hours.

I don't know. I want to rip into everything criticized, but that's petty and based on my own opinion. But man, come on. Did you seriously think that absolutely nothing was good about this movie? Did you really think that it was nothing more than a special effects mash-up with nothing behind it? Even your hero, Ebert the Mighty liked the flick! Maybe we could set up a panel discussion or something.

Objectively though, what "blatantly racist themes?" Images maybe, but even then that's stretching it.

Arg! I need to go to bed. I HATE THIS INTER NET! It makes me so mad, because all I can do vent and vent and vent and not get any response for at least a day or so. DAMN!



At 1:43 a.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...


Seems I've struck a nerve of the decidedly negative variety.

I'm writing a lengthy, lengthy, lengthy comment in reply, and I fully intend to go the panel discussion route you've suggested. We will duke it out, symposium style!

At 9:28 a.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

Yeah, I guess I flew off the handle just a bit..... Sorry. Oh well. Now all we need is an impartial judge.

And way to prey on my dislike for the "p" word, jerky pants. I mean, "Natty Pants." Don't make me pull a low blow on you too! I don't really want to, because then we'll just be like everyone else on the Inter Net!

At 3:04 p.m., Blogger SimAC said...

Here's your impartial judge speaking. Aside from half full, half empty glasses let's consider what's in that glass and why anyone would bother drinking from it.
King Kong is one of the great turds of a monster produced by Hollywood. Since Hollywood had him beat Godzilla, I have been searching for the lost integrity.
My suggestion to all, even if it is a decently constructed story: avoid it. You have better ways to spend your money.

I am rather curious, Russell, if you can't identify the important part of it how can you be sure it is a metaphor of the times? Not trying to start anything, just curious.


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