No point. Just confirming my existence.
Back to school
Back to school
To prove to dad that I'm not a fool
I'm got my lunch packed up
My boots tied tight
I hope I don't get in a fight
OoooOOHHH Back to school
Classes begin today with a seminar that I'm not signed up for in a building I've never been in. Wait hold on, I'm going to check if I'm still not in.... Nope, still not in. This will be interesting. I should probably show up really early to get a seat and then refuse to leave. Ya. Zat vill be guut.
Saw King Kong again last night. Still thought it was awesome. Renewed appreciation for Naomi Watts' ability to scream. Planned ahead this time so as not to miss anything by an untimely bathroom break. Turns out I just missed some atmosphere last time. Became irritated by how Mr Hayes kept calling Jimmy "Jimmy." "You gotta get educated, Jimmy." "I'm not giving you a gun, Jimmy." "You'd look saucy in a beret, Jimmy." Wanted to yell "My name is Alex! Why do you keep calling me Jimmy?!"
Went on a Starbucks date with Jenny to talk shop about Hamlet. She's incredibly helpful and it's really great to talk things out to make sure I know what's going on. Every time we talk I get a firmer and firmer grasp on how I'm going to play the Danish wunderkind. Next up: talking relationships with other characters avec the other actors. Hopefully I can get some of that done with Stephie today. We'll see how that goes, and then set up meetings with everyone else.
I'm a day early, but I need to get the lyric of the week out of my system so I can obsess over something else:
Now we'll say it's in God's hands
But God doesn't always have the best goddamn plans
ok, back to bed for an hour, then clean, then Steph's, then school, then rehearsal, then what?
La la la la la la.
THEN you should find out how they get all that fibre into such a small metamucil pill.
that last comment was from me, it wouldn't let me say that.
so i'm saying it now.
To infinity!
That's a good question! My guess is communism.
Hi Sam! Happy Ottawa!
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