Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Where's the beef?

Luke posted this link on his site a day ago, but I had to get in on the action. This is too funny to be serious, yet by all appearances.... it is. So, being a dutiful English major I feel it is my duty to offer an analysis of this rancid meat fest masquerading as erotica.

The first thing that struck me as appaling about this piece is the rampant association between women's bodies and bloody steaks. Perhaps I've been reading too much feminist criticism lately, but if I've learned anything from certain classes this year is that it is my right- nay, my duty! to read too much into things. Anyways, the steak thing. All the signs point in the same direction: hot, moist, juicy, available.

What kind of restaurant is this? In house masseuse, what? Am I the only one who thought of Mel's diner when they read this, complete with a fat cook in a stained t-shirt shouting "Cindy! Yer order's up!" (heh heh... "up")? Apart from being blatantly sexist, this fantasy has no base in reality! I know, I know, "But it's a fantasy! It doesn't have to be realistic!" Well, doesn't that make it a fantasy, that it might actually happen? He may as well have not pretended that this was a restaurant and just come right out and said "Whorehouse," or at the very least, "gentleman's club". It's like when Ebert criticized "The Transporter 2" for being impossible. Escapism is one thing, but come on.

So now to the list let's also add poorly structured. Adding the phrase "But, not yet" to the end of a paragraph somehow fails to heighten the erotic tension. Not to mention it's over used. You know, I'm just going to drop my own pretence of analyzing the structure. There are some terrible sentences in this thing. "Oh this is fucking heaven." Heh..... heh heh... for real? For other examples, see the entire story.

And now my conscience is nagging at me. "Quit being cruel, Andrew! This guy obviously put his heart and soul into this expose on his love for meat of all varieties," it says to me reprimandingly. "You ain't so hot yourself," it adds. "True," I point out. "All true." But still... I just can't read a sentence like "It's cooked just the way I want it because it's really not" without thinking "Ooo.... ye-ouch."

The comments left on this post are hilarious also (ie/ "Wow. Damn. Damn."). I wonder if this guy is an advertising exec. for the beef industry, trying to drum up business. Why not? The beer companies have been doing it for years!

Turned on yet? I need me a hooker!

As a respected colleague pointed out last night, "You'd thing erotica on the internet would have to try harder because it's a more competative market." Guess not.

I feel like I need a shower from all that creeping rusty meat. Bleagh....


At 6:03 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is fantastic. I'm linking to you.


At 6:36 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

X is a female, a fact that may change your perspective a bit.

And you can't possibly tell me that you haven't had fantasies of multiple services being performed at the same time! The "restaurant," as she puts it, could be the very name of a gentlemen's club/whorehouse.

You, apparently, have not read "too far into it" at all. Who are we to analyze fiction?

At 6:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was totally hot. Possessing an English degree, and having done much literary, critical review myself, I found the piece succulent. I thought it was succinct and well-designed. She closed with the same theme she opened with, ensuring unification.

But I think it's cool that you've done a critical review on a random blog.

At 7:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare you question the almighty bovine? Father made them special just for you people, and you've disrespected that! Apalled I am.


I am also no longer your homeboy.

At 7:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The above was me.
I was dead at the time.

At 8:52 p.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

I leave this place for a few days...

At 10:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well then, old chap, I cannot feel my toes.

At 8:24 p.m., Blogger Q said...

the feast... was hot!


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