An antic dispoisition
I got my hair cut for the show. I am firmly of the opinion that this style looks good in costume. But when I'm not dressed as a 20's reporter/stockbroker I feel kind of dumb. I also did an interview last night for Northern Life. I fear greatly that this interview will make me look like a damn inarticulate fool. I was intensely unquotable.
Oh yeah, and what will we be working on come Wednesday (ie/ tomorrow)? You would not think how all here about my heart... but it it no matter. My one real concern is that I keep cutting the bedroom scene in half. What could it possibly be that's holding me back from getting this scene? Here are a few ideas:
1) Good night mother
2) Once more, good night
3) So again, good night
4) Mother, good night indeed
5) Good night mother
6) For this same lord I do repent
7) I will answer well the death I gave him
8) I will bestow him
9) I'll lug the guts to the neighbor room
10) Come sir, to draw toward an end with you
11) Such an act
12) Such a deed
13) I took thee for thy better
14) Take thy fortune
15) Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool
16) A queen, fair, sober, wise
17) A paddock, a bat, a gib
18) Most still, most secret and most grave
To name a few things that might throw me. That, plus a smoke machine that robs my mouth of moisture. Well, luckily, we might not be using it! haha!
I'm glad the acting in this show is so solid. So much so that we prolly won't even need the set. It'll be bitchin'!
Stolen from Luke. Possibly the only time you might see Hamlet being performed in a plaid shirt and sock feet:
I don't know who I'm telling off here. Could be any number of people.
"I'll lug the guts to the neighbor room"
Hengen Ha, I say!
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