Friday, June 02, 2006

Burnt Out Toast

I have to go to a wedding this weekend in which I am serving as a groomsman. I feel a little odd about this one, seeing as I haven't really spoken deeply with the groom in about 4 or 5 years. And I find the bride a tad (read: incredibly) over-bearing. Well, he must like her on some level.

Anydangway, I have to give a toast at this wedding to the bridesmaids, of all people. I've never heard of the bridesmaids getting a toast, but the bride told me that I basically just have to say what a great job they did and how pretty they all look. There are six of them. Is that a lot, like more than usual? It seems like a pretty high number. They are:

1) Bride's sister
2) Bride's friend
3) Bride's friend
4) Bride's friend
5) Groom's sister
6) Groom's sister

So with those six, the bride and groom, myself, my brother, and the best man, I actually don't know if we're going to all fit up at the front of the church! I'm hoping that the gals dress up in the following colour coding:

1) Bride's sister
2) Bride's friend
3) Bride's friend
4) Bride's friend
5) Groom's sister
6) Groom's sister

Truthfully, I doubt that will happen. In any case, I also doubt that the toast will have to be of any great length, so here's my idea. You can tell me what you think if you want to, because by the time you do, I'll already have read it publically.

"My name is Andrew Root, and I am here to toast Natalie's bridesmaids; Nicola, Meaghan, Jenny, Rhonda, Sarah, Alison, Sleepy, Happy, Doc, Bashful- oh... Sorry. In any case, these six women have been of tremendous support to Natalie not just today, but for the entire period leading up to today. Their support and friendship in helping to coordinate the wedding as well as their emotional support for Natalie has been fantastic, not to mention their ability to make bridesmaid's dresses look good. They say it takes a lot to pull off a bridesmaid's dress, and I'm sure some will try once the bar opens, so keep your heads about yourselves, ladies. Though I'm sure it's been said by Natalie a thousand times already, Thank you and cheers."


At 5:12 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow... Natalie and Chris are getting hitched. Yowsah. I almost want to crash it!

I think that your speech is about as heartfelt as it can be given the nature of it, plus you have the humour that will go right over most Peterborian's heads, so that's uber great.

So does that mean you'll be in Peterborough this weekend? Bah, and here I'm going to be there next weekend, for Gin's birthday.


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