Sunday, June 18, 2006

Summertime Blues

Dear world in general/anyone who comes here on a semi-regular basis,

I've become the "go-to guy" at work for giving up shifts to, and seeing as everyone and their dog is going away on vacation I'm working like said dog. I was on 6 days this week, and I'll be on 6 days next week. This could become a regular thing for the next little while.

So expect more minor posts like the two... or three below and if you've emailed me in the last little while (or last long while) I've got it, and I'll email you on my day off.


p.s. Oh yeah! If you live in the greater Sudbury area and are going to be bored between 4 and 6 tomorrow (Sunday) then tune in to CKLU 96.7fm to hear me doing some training on air! It'll most likely be dead air... "um"..... dead air. But there will be good music between bursts of me going "Ok, um, that was...."


At 3:12 a.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

I shall listen to you after I get my weekly Sunday dose of Eleanor Wachtel.

At 1:05 a.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

How the hell do you do a webcast?


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