Thursday, October 12, 2006

The new plan to get Bush out of office, and other things as well.

In response to the many wonderings about how I handled the guy who wanted a ride home, I ignored my problem and it went away. In essence, I just waited so long to reply that he bought a bus ticket. Then I didn't reply. Two birds, one not stone.

In other news: A New York Yankee flew a plane into an apartment building. I asked someone at work if they'd heard about that and he asked what the punch line was. It seems too surreal to be true, but at least thay can't possibly spin this into a "Terrorists hate our freedom" thing. I'd love to see the White House accuse a NY Yankee of terrorism. Bush'd be out of office by Friday. My insensitive theory is that they finally tracked down the last NY Mets fan in the city and took him out. (hold for applause) But seriously, it's a real tragedy.

So this weekend was nice. Ptbo with the whole fam-damily, including Ms. Evelyn Collins, my mother's 88-year old mother, a firecracker who spent an evening making penis jokes with the family. She's a doll, that one. Also got to reconnect with many people from the old stomping grounds, including Evan, Nick, Alison, and Rachel (who I haven't seen in about 3 years. I was really worried about things being awkward, but it was really really cool, so Bonus! Woot!). And I saw The Departed, which I thought, based on the trailer, was really going to suck. I can admit when I was wrong, and I was famously wrong about that one. Muy excellante.

I've finished a short story. I don't know if it's any good or anything, but it's finished and that's what's important. On a whim I'm going to enter it in a competition through CBC radio. Previous winners include writers in residence at major universities, as well as former Governor General's Award winners, but what have I got to lose? Twenty dollars entry fee and the price of postage. The winners are announced in February.

I also have to do the radio show tomorrow night. I have nothing planned and no ideas. Anyone got a theme?


This just might make you love the Dresden Dolls more than you thought possible.

Man, can that girl rock a pirate hat.


At 3:44 a.m., Blogger benny said...

Do you wonder why George Bush is causing so much upset in the international community? His War on Iraq was a feint. To distract people from seeing for what he is: he is only his father's son and a nobody in his own right.

At 12:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's fun entering a short story contest. I entered one through the Writer's Union of Canada about three years ago... it was actually my OAC Writer's Craft ISU. I didn't win (shocker!) But I got into the top 60 of over 500, and they sent back some really neat critique! Well worth 20 bucks in my opinion.

Sadly, I was in the 'borough with my roommate, but we didn't get out doing any downtown socializing.

At 3:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how the plane crashed on 10/11. CONSPIRACY THEORY.

As for your radio show, I am out of ideas for themes. I can't even think up themes for my show. I will definitely listen tonight though!


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