Push Play
According to the CBC tonight, Nero did not fiddle as Rome burned (what with the fiddle not being invented until 1500 years later). Rather, he bagpiped.
I would pretty much dig being able to play the bagpipes. However, like many instruments, you've got to walk before you can run. Walking, in this instance means spending months annoying your loved ones and neighbours as you attempt to learn the basics of the instrument. Whatever the case, Here is a list of instruments it'd be cool to be able to play (and in fact I might get around to learning some day);
playing the drums rule! (i know) but its helluva lot annoying when people say, "hey! play a song!"
also, my cousin plays the bagpipes and they ROCK. and ROLL.
We may be the only people who listened to Ideas on CBC last night.
"What's the difference between a snake and a big pipe player hit by a car? Skid marks in front of the snake."
I used to play the french horn.
I would rub the valves with strawberry lipgloss instead of valve oil so that the horn would smell nice.
That was my only interesting instrument. Not as interesting as bagpipes, though.
I used to play the french horn too!
I was never very good at it, sadly. But they wouldn't let me quit because I was the only one in the school who knew how the keys worked. Why they didn't just have me teach someone else is beyond me. Maybe because I sucked at teaching.
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