And I didn't like RENT either!
I can't sleep so here's a mini-rant!
Am I the only one in the "Universe" who HATED "Across the Universe?"
Man, ARG, what a load of bollucks!
The only thing that I really liked about the movie was Eddie Izzard. And I think I only liked him because he was essentially playing himself in a circus costume! I couldn't even stand the quintuplet Salma Hayek's as the sexy nurses, and that's saying something!
So why is it that I can't stand one film which reappropriates popular songs and attempts to weave them into a narrative (ie/ This Mess) but I can love another film which does the exact same thing (ie/ Moulin Rouge)? Well you can put the exact same ingredients between two slices of bread, but in the end one of your sandwiches is just going to taste better than the other.
I suppose in the end I was left feeling like I didn't know what the movie was really about. I don't buy that it was about the spirit of the 60's, because what I got from this movie was a series of cliche's and no real deeper understanding. Too many characters clouded the plot from ever reaching anything approaching profound. I also don't believe that it was about love, mainly because I don't believe for a second that Lucy and Jude were in love or "made for each other" or anything of the sort. They were just two different people. I don't want to keep comparing it to Moulin Rouge, but what else do I have to compare it to? Satine and Ewan McGregor's guy (whatsisname) gave the impression of being destined for each other yet pulled apart by tragic circumstance. Jude was a sleazy dockworker who cheated on his girlfriend the moment he was in another time zone, and despite her best efforts, Lucy was not a hippie. She was a student protester, but not a radical. The bottom line is that they had some good times, but they do not belong together. They weren't torn apart, they grew apart.
Both in theory and in practice this film fails. In fact the story, characters, and production are such lame ducks that it's almost insulting that the Beatles music is associated with them.
The End. GET IT?!
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