Wednesday, July 08, 2009

An appropriate response.

Andrew is reading Shakespeare, sucka! says: (11:20:15 PM)
Want to hear about my crazy week next week?

Sam says: (11:20:41 PM)

Sam says: (11:20:45 PM)
tell me

Andrew is reading Shakespeare, sucka! says: (11:21:31 PM)
OK, so it all goes down on Wednesday when I work from 11:30 - 7:30. Then I hop in a car and drive up to your town!

Andrew is reading Shakespeare, sucka! says: (11:21:49 PM)
I sleep for a few hours, then wake up at about 6:30 and begin to help my sister move to her new house

Andrew is reading Shakespeare, sucka! says: (11:22:19 PM)
At 2:30 I have to leave and drive down to Toronto to pick my dad up from the airport at 7:30.

Sam says: (11:22:27 PM)
woah this is crazy already

Andrew is reading Shakespeare, sucka! says: (11:22:43 PM)
We then drive back to Ptbo and arrive somewhere in the 10 - 11 range.

Andrew is reading Shakespeare, sucka! says: (11:23:09 PM)
I go to sleep, and wake up at 6:30 to drive to St. Catharines to help my brother move into his new house

Andrew is reading Shakespeare, sucka! says: (11:23:43 PM)
We work until that's done at which point I drive back to Ptbo in time to work the next day at 11:30

Andrew is reading Shakespeare, sucka! says: (11:23:49 PM)
..if I don't die.

Sam says: (11:25:07 PM)

Sam says: (11:25:14 PM)
may the force be with you