Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Bored Rag

La la la
There's nothing to do
there's a buncha bastard kids
and I wanna go to sleep

Oh why can't I go to sleep
Or at least go home
I could be helping move my friend in across the hall

I've got the workin-at-the-art-gallery-for-seven-hours-then-running-across-town-to-call-bingo-for-seven-more-hours-bluuuuuuuesss.

Do do do
Where is that Jenny
She's quite attractive
If I wasn't here I could be helping her help our friend move in across the hall

Gotta do something or my mind will turn to goo

I've got the there's-nothin-to-do-and-I'm-not-allowed-to-leave-the-front-desk-even-though-I'd-really-like-to bluuuuuuuuuuesss.

Rhymes are for suckers
"I am the Walrus" didn't rhyme
Look where it got Lennon
New York, New York

I've got the I'm-not-really-sure-whether-or-not-"I-am-the-Walrus"-really-rhymed-or-whether-it-followed-a-more-traditional-rhyme-scheme-structure Bluuuuuuuuuuuesss.
