Man, I feel like this guy. I need to start eating actual foods, not just the parts of food which combined properly make food.
On the plus side however, I don't yet feel like this guy:
How grotesque. I fear that I might be driving people away with these horrid images and religious rants. (pffft.. "people." Like anyone comes here but me.)
Confession time: I feel a little bad about the religious rant. I shouldn't make fun of God or religion because it means a lot to some people. Not me, but some people. What I should have done was comment on how much I hate it when people try to push their religious views on others. If you want to worship a carrot, go ahead. Just don't hit me on the head when I rinse your god in the sink and take a nice, crunchy bite.
I look like the second guy sometimes.
Pffft, the religious rant was a good read.
It even housed one of my favorite analogies in my recent reading, blog or otherwise:
like when you're playing G.I. Joe's with some kid and you say "Bang! I shot you" and he says "No you didn't!" and you say "Yes I did. I shot you right in the face." and he says "Yeah, but I'm wearing an invisible helmet that's bulletproof." and you sigh resignedly, even though you're only seven years old.
Sadly, I was that second kid once or twice, only my guy was always hiding behind a mountain.
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