I've got to go with Ryan on this one.
If being flamboyantly gay means you get to do things like this:
Then maybe I'm playing for the wrong team! Although I'd be proclaiming my homosexuality for entirely heterosexual reasons... Perhaps this is masking my general distaste for people who use their minority status to get away with shit. "I'm gay! So that means I'm ALLOWED to grope Scarlet!" "I'm black! That means I'm ALLOWED to hate white people!" I've nothing against gays or blacks (although I do against Blacks - see below), or any minority group really, using said minority status to pull shit that no one should be allowed to get away with is ridiculous. No one should be allowed to feel up a girl unless she wants them to. No matter how many times they watch "Lost in Translation" and dream about that moment. Like I'm NOT going to go and do now.
You might (MIGHT) be thinking to yourself "Hey, she seems to be enjoying it, smiling as she is, y'know, like a joke! So what's the big deal? Lighten up, you prude! You're just jealous that you didn't get that opportunity." To that I say: True. I am jealous. But just because she's laughing and smiling doesn't make it ok. Guess what! You caught her off guard! A lot of people don't know they're offended until they've had time to get over the shock of an unexpected event. You know, if more women would just assume they're going to be groped at any given moment by any given person, then eventually they'd come to accept it and we could all move forward into a brighter future.... right? That's how it works, right?
Yeah, that was a big "what the fuck?" moment for me too. She seems to be enjoying it about as much as I enjoy it when tall people call me "little buddy."
I don't know that it's analogous to blacks hating whites though. That one has a lot to do with hating from a position of powerlessness, if that person does hate all whites, which they may not, even if it doesn't seem or come out that way. (Not that that's justified, but that's a whole other discussion)
...Whereas a man groping a woman with the justification that he's gay, so it's okay!, doesn't even make a lick of sense any way you slice it, apart from being wrong and all that.
What if I changed it to "black people calling each other 'Nigger'"?
Well, actually I think it is analogous because what I'm talking about is doing things that people shouldn't be doing (ie/ groping actresses, expressing hatred, punching horses, littering, blowing up dams, hating on photo developing stores, etc) in general, rather than expressing opinions on power politics. And before anyone says it, I know it's certainly rose-tinted of me to think that people shouldn't express hatred. Well, that's just me.
So long as we agree that groping Scarlett is wrong unless she lets us and/or welcomes us to.
One day, sweet Scarlett...
...too far?
Just far enough.
If Scarlet Johanson invites me to grope her... well that'll be a weird, unexpected day.
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