Thursday, March 23, 2006

I've got the motivation for procrastination! Ha! What a delicious rhyme!

It always makes me laugh when people in my morning class (one person in particular, but I'm trying to be general so as not to pick on anyone *cough*Andrea*cough*her name is*cough*Andrea*cough*) make wide sweeping generalizations about characters and stories we read and then back up their opinion with something they saw on Oprah or Dr. Phil. For example: In a play about pedophilia there is no hope of having sympathy for the male characters, as they are all secretly pedophiles. Wait- what? Could we possibly see these men as having a sickness, something which needs treatment? No. They are all deplorable.


A funny, but exhausting start to the day which will most likely continue in low gear as a result of the whopping $1.75 I have with which to buy myself food for the day. And rounding it all out by being the impromptu sound tech for the Acting class's production of "Our Country's Good" (which will actually be pretty fun, but again, in that exhausting kind of way).

I know, I know. I'll go and start working on those essays right now. Geez. You don't have to get so pushy. At least one of them will not be extremely taxing, which is a bonus.

This will be me shortly, if I wore glasses.


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