Fun With Camera Settings (or The Day Dooly's Went Radioactive)
It was an ordinary day, just like any other day. Perhaps only the animals suspected something was about to go horribly wrong.
Jenny tended bar,
Jay enjoyed some quality camera time,
and general merriment was in the air.
No one noticed that a stray radioactive isotope had been left in the juice fridge.
A strange light permeated the bar.
And an ordinary neighbourhood dog...
Was transformed into a radioactive hellbeast.
Jay thought "I feel funny."
And then caught a glimpse of his horribly deformed visage in the mirror!
He quickly moved through the two stages of post-radioactive exposure:
1) Angry
and 2) Joker-esque
"I'd better get outside," Jay thought. But was outside any safer?
Jay thought "I'll be alright. I just feel a little jaundicy."
But suddenly there was a blinding flash of white light!
The radioactive material had wafted to a nearby power plant, causing it to explode, killing thousands! The streets ran red with blood!
Jay was shocked.
The inside of the bar got a good dousing as well.
And poor Jenny got the worst of it. The poor dear was so in shock that she just sat there smiling.
And in the end... only the animals suspected.
I do enjoy your stories in photos.
oh my
how dramatic
and beautiful
Thanks! I think of you that way too.
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