Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It's beginning to smell a lot like Spri - ing...

However the fact that it is not quite March yet fills me with dread.

Did anyone else notice how referring to it as "Climate Change" instead of "Global Warming" made it ok to talk about?

In related news, Al Gore has recruted several celebrities to present his "Inconvenient Truth" slideshow across the world. Included in those celebrities is Cameron Diaz (The newest addition to the curse word lexicon).

Maybe it's just me but that seems kind of like Einstein not being able to make it to a lecture on the Theory of Relativity and instead getting.... Cameron Diaz.



At 6:33 p.m., Blogger Liz said...

March 4th, 2007:

That's better! Now it's #$@%ing cold again. The way Sudbury should be.


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