Friday, March 23, 2007

This is all leading up to a little owl.


It's been a while, hasn't it? I think so. But here I am on a Friday night with only a mild suspicion that I'm supposed to be doing something. Four things are on the agenda for right now. They are:

  • 1. White Stripes
  • 2. Tartuffe
  • 3. France
  • 4. Bingo Hall

    To begin at the beginning, then move onto the end and then stop, The White Stripes have a new album coming out "as soon as is corporately possible." *ahem* !!!!. And here I thought they'd announce it and it would be a long process, but the dang thing is already recorded and waiting! It's called "Icky Thump" which is incredibly weird. But markedly different from anything else in the market at the moment. If I may quote the film Factory Girl;

    "You are doing something that nobody else is doing and that is a sign of brilliance, don't you think?"

    "Well you're the boss, applesauce."


    One of the tracks is called (get this) "St. Andrew (This Battle Is in the Air)." If you're thinking what I'm thinking then you know that the band named this song after me. And did someone say "featuring bagpipes?" Oh yes they did! Whether it's all true or not remains to be seen, but Jack and Meg are planning to tour all 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada, which means that depending on when they head out I might be able to catch one of the shows (the Ontario one for those not keeping track).

    2. Tartuffe is now over and it still pains me slightly to say/type that.It's been the most fun I've had in recent memory, ranking up there with Lollapalooza in terms of overall enjoyment. I had noticed in the past that when people say that a particular show was "OH MY GOD THE MOST FUN I'VE EVER HAD!" they tend to be missing the point. I was resistant to that idea so much during this show that when I finally gave into it I realized that this show was one of the best if not the top notch of plays I've done. I mean I haven't done that many, but it was really great in terms of challenges faced/overcome, connections/friendships made, parties attended. Mr. Dan Lessard radio show extraordinaire said that this was one of the strongest casts he's ever worked with and I'm inclined to agree. I've got over 1,000 pictures from the 3 months (not all taken by me) but here is my favourite.

    It's not a particularly good picture of anyone, nor is the entire cast in it but when I look at it, it seems to capture the sense of community that we had as a cast/crew. Luke's facial hair serves as a visual representation of the commitment we all had to the show, the fact that nobody's really posing shows how comfortable we all were with each other (and that I learned how to turn off the flash on my camera), and I just enjoy how everyone's gathered together. It was taken just before our last dress rehearsal when Ian handed the show over to Tanya. I think I might print it off and frame it.

    We ended up going onto the Quonta competition and winning awards for Best Ensemble and Best Director, both well deserved in my opinion. We also got to have a lot of kick-ass fun. I got in trouble with the festival director, yelled at a crew member in front of a bunch of old ladies, signed an autograph for a little girl, played a lot of guitar, and got a few free meals out of the deal. Not bad. Some favourite moments include:

    1) Anything Bri Thierman did on stage. "You're both GREAT fools!"
    2) Jamming with Paul before many of the shows. If anyone has a picture/video of it, can you please send it to me? It's one of the only things I didn't photograph!
    3) Craig's unofficial cast party. Coming through a window with no pants? You bet!
    4) The costume girls (Jenna, Blythe & Sam)! They were tons of fun and 1000% supportive of everyone.
    5) "We'll not hush up this vile affair! I heard it all inside that closet there!"
    6) Foot stomping after foot stomping after foot stomping.
    7) Andrea Buhr. That kid is damn funny.
    8) The way Luke actually shaved his beard to look that way. Some people just wouldn't do that.
    9) Working with Ian Maclennan again. He's given me a lot of support over the years and I didn't expect to work with him again after Hamlet, so this was a huge bonus.
    10) Laughing at/with the adjudicator at Quonta. He's a funny guy! Fun-neeeee. har.

    That's a pretty good top ten. I know there's more but there we go. I could go on for hours so if you're not bored yet and you want to hear more, just call me and I'll talk your ear off.

    3. France. Yep, France. It's looking like this whole "moving to France" thing is a reality. Jenny and I have booked an apartment with a view of the Eiffel tower (in the distance) and we're working on all the paperwork (of which there is a lot). I'm just a bit stunned. So there we go.

    4. I've told the Bingo Hall that they can Bin-go to hell. After three months of constant fighting over scheduling I got fed up and threw in the towel. One customer put it best a few months ago: "There's no future in that place. Just get all the money you can and then get out."

    That's it. Here's another picture and then I'm done. It's Krista from You Say Party! We SAy Die! with a little owl!


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