It's that time of year again...
List time!
Though I've been feeling for a long time that the year in fact switches over in September. That seems to be the month that most significant changes occur, usually in the form of going back to school, seeing friends again/making new friends, learning, working, etc. This September (for me) saw a new Niece and a residency in a foreign country. Woot!
I'm sure this wil be less of a list and more of a collection of randomly ordered thoughts, as per the rest of this god forsaken and poorly maintained web-sight. With that preamble (which I seem to tack onto the beginning of every long post I make) out of the way, here are a few of the things I've enjoyed from the last year.
1. Regina Spektor
I'm pretty sure many of y'all have already heard of her, but it wasn't until a fateful meeting with a South African who generously shared her entire music collection with me that I discovered this fabulous Russian-born, American-raised songstress. She is avant-garde, a true original, constantly breaking out of her own musical style. Regina Spektor employs a quirky vocal style, mixing elements of beat-boxing, ululations, rapping, and varied rhyme-and-meter combinations to her impressive/expressive voice which is consistantly fresh and surprising. The only thing to expect is the unexpected.
I have only really absorbed one album (Maryann Meets the Gravediggers and Other Short Stories by Regina Spektor but it is enough to satiate my hunger for new and innovative music. At least for this year.
This is "Us" from the aforementioned album. It is not necessarily the most innovative song on the album (which explains why it is the single), but it is still quirky, intelligent, and full of beauty. Enjoy.
I love how she says "Have fun" in the first verse.
Also, if it ever comes to it, I would be willing to direct the video for "Chemo Limo."
I feel like I should mention Radiohead's In Rainbows, because... well, it's kind of the story of the year, isn't it? Just about everything's been said about it, both good and bad, and I'll admit that the way they released the album was exciting. I haven't ever been the hugest Radiohead fan (see this man for that expertise, though I should note that his In Rainbows review is still yet pending. Get on that!) and I am a little wary of anything that has this much hype behind it. I was worried that Radiohead had jumped the shark when they kept announcing that the album was thiiiiisssssss close to being nearly done and then that it would not be released for another year. How far could they stretch the goodwill of their fans (especially seeing as the last album they put out was a mixed result)? But then they said "Hey you can have it for FREE (if you want) in 10 days!" and that was really exciting! I paid 3 pounds for it, which I regard as fair, but not generous.
The album itself is pretty good. In fact I think I'll put it on now. Ahhh, there we go. It's the kind of album you can lose yourself in, which is absolutely brilliant. I love that about this album. It can sneak up on you. I was walking through a park when "Reckoner" started playing, and I thought "Wow, I really like this." I don't have a lot of spontaneous thoughts of that nature, so when I do it's a treat. It's odd how every song sounds identifiable to the album, especially seeing as many of these tracks have been around for a number of years.
I will also point out that there is a moment in one song (I think it's "House of Cards") where the band sounds positively U2-ish, and that distresses me. It's during a Thom Yorke "Hoooo-OOooooooo" moment. Check it out.
One other thing: They lose me during "Nude." I've read a lot about how this is a rare, melodic turn for les Tetes-de-Radio and I want to enjoy it, but I just sort of tune out as soon as this song starts. I don't know what it is. Maybe because the first two songs are so huge and energetic that this slower mood is less engaging. Could be.
3. Jillian Rose Knoyle
I have a freaking niece now! I am Uncle Andrew! She is such a little doll that I barely know what to say about her! She was born on September 24th, 2007 at 8:19am after my sister Jessica had been in labour for 37 hours. What a champ! My flight to France was on September 26th, so on the 25th I took a flying trip up to Ottawa to met my one day-old niece. She was sleepy and adorable and I held her for as long as was reasonable. All told the time we spent with her was about an hour. Then we drove back home and I flew to Paris.
Then, at the beginning December my brother got married (see below) so I flew home again. My sister & brother-in-law were coming to Peterborough with Jillian, so my excitement mounted. I was completely nervous that the first time I saw her she woud weep and bawl and cause a huge fuss, as has been the case with other babies I've held (sigh), and I would end up passing her back to her parents who would be better qualified to handle her. This however was not the case. They brought her into the kitchen and said "Here's your Uncle Andrew!" and I said "Hello!" and she gave me the biggest smile a baby can give. I will be forever grateful for that smile. It would be the first of many, and there were points where, had she been laughing yet, she would have been howling.
As my grandfather (or as he's known to Jillian, "Great-Paw") says "I love that little girl." She has been a real blessing on my whole family and Jess & Jon are such wonderful parents. It really gives you hope about the general state of things when you see something as heart-warming as that.
A few proud-Uncle pictures:
And believe me, there are many more.
4. Ian's Wedding
My twin brother got married on December 8th, 2007 to Carly Pruysers in a beautiful ceremony in St. Catharine's. It was held at the Twenty Valley Golf Course and was just lovely in most every way. I could go on for hours about the details (the sprigs of evergreen in the seat covers, the subtle Christmastime motifs) or the beautiful prominent touchs (the Memory tree, the dresses & tuxes, the flowers) but I don't know that I could do it justice.
Here are a few pictures:

It was just beautiful.
5. Grrrrr moment
One of the biggest "Grrrrr" moments of the year came thus: I made a little video of ultrasound pictures of Jillian (then Joey) with the sound of her heart beating and posted it on YouTube (sigh). One of the comments was this:
waste of my time.
This from a guy who's whole profile is naught but uploads of 10-minute segments of the Jerry Springer show. Stupid humanity.
But back to the positives!
6. Paris
I live in Paris now, and will continue to do so until the end of June. I needed this time away, mainly because I was having my quarter-life crisis. I had no idea what to do with my life, only that I needed more money, more space to breathe, less pressure. Paris has provided me with all of those things (except the money), and I am able to spend my time figuring out me and what I want to do. I'm being creative, which is great. And when I get back to Canada I have nothing but opportunity ahead of me. That is a good feeling.
7. Photography
I had planned to do a "Best of 2007" photo montage, in which I posted the 12 favourite pictures I had taken over the year, but sadly many of those months are residing in my closet in Peterborough, ON. CANADA. Dang. Here are my top 3: October, November and December.
That photo of Carly with the veil in front of her face is magnificent. I will hire you for my wedding with Ewan for sure.
I guess I should have mentioned that the (good) photos from the wedding were taken by the official photographer.
I can get you her number though when Ewan inevitably caves.
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