Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It's a New Year!

1) Where did you begin 2007?
In Falcon Bridge at Luke D. Norton's

2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
In a relationship that mutually didn't see the point of only celebrating love on one day of the year.

4) How did you earn your money?
Reception work

5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Don't think so

6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
I got pulled over a number of times for speeding.

7) Where did you go on vacations?
Does Paris count as an extened vacation? Paris!

8) What did you purchase that was over $1000.

9) Did you know anybody who got married?
My Brother!

10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
Yes I do, unfortunately.

12) Did you move anywhere?
To gay Paris!

14) What concerts/shows did you go to?
You Say Party! We Say Die! and I think that's it... There must have been more

15) Are you registered to vote?

16) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
Winston Smith.

17) Where do you live now?
64 Blvd Magenta, Paris France, 75010 (send mail!)

18) Describe your birthday?
I worked, and then spent the evening alone :(

19) What's one thing you thought you wouldn't do but did in 2007?
Spend Xmas Eve at Notre Dame

20) What has been your favorite moment?
Jumping out of a claset in what would be considered to be "drag" and shouting "NO!"

21) What's something you learned about yourself?
I know more about what I want.

22.) Any new additions to your family?
My new Niece, Jilli Rosebud.

23.) What was your best month?
??? July?

24.) What music will you remember 2007 by?
Regina Spektor

26.) Made new friends?
I feel like I strengthened aquaintenceships.

27) Best "new friend"?
It's a tie between Kayla & Sam. I love those kids! Why did we not hang out more before I left town?

28) Best new hotspot?
I don't really go to "hotspots."

29) Best movie you saw this year?
I'll go with SuperBad. It's the only one that's popping into my mind.

30) Favorite gift of the year?
I got a belt pretty recently.

31) Favorite Night out?
My going away party was a lot of fun


At 2:19 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew! You're totally my best "new friend" too!


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