Friday, July 04, 2008

And I also made this list!

Things I have done in the past fews days include, but are not limited to:

-Moving back home
-Said goodbye to all those I knew and met in Paris. This will assuredly be temporary because they're all awesome people and I will definitely reconnect with all of them.
-Bought my first cell phone.
-Received my first text message (From my sister Jessica) and my first phone call (From a girl named Amy who I met in Paris and knew for a period of maybe 6 hours, but is super-cool and lives in San Francisco. It was a wonderful connection, very random)
-Sent my first text message on assurance from Sam "Candleabra" Burns that it would be like watching a sunset. It was pretty awesome.
-Met a girl named after a state (thumbs up!).
-Met a guy named after an actor (thumbs down!).
-Reconnected with Liz, Evan, and Nick.
-Got two rolls of analog film developed. It's very "I have to show you in person." I'm very happy with the results.
-Unpacked some. "Spread out" is a more accurate term.
-Nearly got scammed by a nun. Ask me in person about this one.
-Bought Nora a new set of bowls.
-Downloaded music like mad. Wolf Parade, you make my knees weak.

And now I will go and have dinner!


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