Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Say it with me, people...

George W. Bush is no longer the President.

Say it again.

George W. Bush is not the President.

And we KNOW he's too dumb to head up a huge multinational conspiracy!

Or maybe that's the kind of thing we laugh about as naively optimistic ten years from now.


At 1:06 p.m., Blogger Liz said...

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At 1:07 p.m., Blogger Liz said...

Sorry man, a little more evidence for the idiot camp:

From g4 News Feed:

"Obama's Web 2.0 administration might be getting a downgrade as the new President's staff moved into the White House only to find outdated technology.

Bill Burton, an Obama spokesman, said it was like going "from an Xbox to an Atari," which I guess means that the White House is rendered in 2D and only has one button... Also, the White House is totally an Xbot.

The President's staff, used to working on Macs, found six year-old Microsoft software waiting for them. That is at least after Windows Me, which would have explained so much about the Bush presidency. They also found laptops to be short in supply and are finding themselves less mobile than they'd like."

Even though they're running XP this explains so much.

Idiot 1, Brilliant Conspiracy 0


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