Monday, September 05, 2005

Savings & Loan

I think I want one of these.

So I'm putting money in an empty spaghetti sauce jar. I've got $32 in there already! Donations are welcome. Seriously. Give me a quarter and I'll let you touch it when I get it. A dollar lets you hold it while a song plays. Five dollars lets you pick the song.

I could theoretically just go out and buy one right now if I wanted, but I think this way will allow me a greater sense of satisfaction and will let me know if it's just a whim or not. If it does turn out to be just a whim... hey, I've got $300 extra bucks kicking around! It's win-freakin'-win!


At 12:47 p.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

You make a valid point, Metro K.

But on the other hand.... Shut up. I want an iPod.

At 2:23 p.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

It's worth it if you have a gigantic collection of music.

It's more like a three hundred dollar walkman that can access any song you could possibly want to hear at any given time.


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