Wacky newspaper antics
The gallery (I just about typed Galaxy) is releasing a press statement, the jist of which is "COME SEE THE SHOW! IT'S ONLY ON FOR A LITTLE WHILE LONGER!!" and there is a list of quotes from the guest book. Last on the list is a quote which reads:
"Oh that Franklin Carmichael! What a guy!" - J. - Sudbury.
As you may or may not have guessed, that J is this Jay. Directly above that signature in the guest book, written in the same handwriting, is this:
"Wow! I just love Hoagie Carmichael!" - A. Root - Sudbury.
I laughed out loud and then had to spend a few minutes explaining to a humourless volunteer what was funny about it. She concluded that it was not in fact funny and that I should do all I can to inform the powers that be that this comment was made in fun and is thus invalid.
It reminds me of high school when my friend Evan and I were making a birthday video for Evan's friend who lives in Kelso, Washington and is named Janae. We thought it would be kind of funny to get the mayor of Peterborough to say hello to Janae, so on a lark I called her (the mayor) up and asked if we could schedule a meeting. She was hesitant at first until (for no reason at all) I told her that Janae was Evan's family's foster child who lived in a mission in Kenya. The mayor agreed at once and we met the next day and taped her greeting. Then Evan and I laughed... a lot.
The next week in the paper was a write-up of the whole thing in the mayor's weekly column that I didn't know she had. She seemed to have had a great time! She called us "fine young gentlemen." I cut out the article and put it up on the wall.
I'm snickering right now. I hope the volunteer doesn't hear me.
AAAAAAANNNNNNNDD! Because I feel like posting a funny picture:

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