Thursday, March 30, 2006

Writing in the margins

As we were discussing whether or not "anyone can do anything if they've got what it takes" or not (a subject which I felt needed little discussion in the first place, let alone 25 minutes) someone said quite casually that it's much easier for a man to abandon his children than it is for a woman. There were general murmurs of approval, and a couple of expansions on that theme, citing that since men don't have to actually carry a child their bond with it is lessened, if not erradicated.

So there's your lesson for the day: Men will abandon their children, kind of like dropping a penny on the ground and not wanting to bend over and pick it up.

I'm not going to be stupid about it and whine about being picked on for being a man (and white!) because that's about as dumb as thinking that Christians have no say in how the States are run, but come on... Sweeping generalizations like that are just dumb. Could I get away with saying that women are more likely to trick a man into impregnating them simply because women are capable of giving birth? You tell me.

Please look at the picture below. It will cheer you up, and me.


At 11:57 a.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

Then you would have fit right into the class! BA-ZING!

At 1:32 a.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

Women's writing?

If so, while you were sitting through that, I was politely waving my hand for 80 minutes.

At 8:30 p.m., Blogger SimAC said...

bold, Mr. Root.
I watch with horrified fascination. Nine times out of ten, if I try to uphold male equality I am suddenly labelled as vitriolic.
Yet, I thought sarcasm and acidity were the Proper response to ignorance...
If it blows up in your face, I will utter last rights for you...


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