Friday, May 12, 2006

I swear to god about that butcher's knife.

About 5 1/2 hours ago I put up a notice asking people to call me/come visit me because I was bored. It included my phone #, which some may regard as foolhardy in this modern world of ours, but I don't find particularly troubling. Troubling enough that I'm taking it down now, but not troubling enough that I put it up there in the first place. In either case, here were the results of this posting:

  • Liz called from Wellend! Yay Liz!
  • Laura called from Sudbury! See you tomorrow night, Laura!
  • Natty-Pants expressed her interest in hanging out tonight, though her tyranical working schedule prevented it, so instead she added an entry for the funniest thing ever (which appears below, as I deleted the old message, comments and all.)
  • Stephie came and watched part of Return of the King.
  • Resta (from LA) said this:


    Without a doubt you are one of the strangest, albeit funniest individuals I have ever read on the internet. Why don’t you throw out your bank account number, credit card numbers and e-mail address as well. Does your mother know what you do? BTW, I sold your phone number to several robo-dial solicitation companies. Hope you don’t mind. R

    And to that I say this:

    1. Thanks!
    2. I have put up my email address before. Go and find it! And if any crook wants to be disappointed that they went to all the trouble of stealing my banking information only to find that I have exactly $1.25 at my disposal, then I invite them to go ahead!
    3. I think it's best for all that my mother remains blissfully unaware of many facets of my life.
    4. Heck no I don't mind! Hope you got a good price for my number. If all I have to do is say "Take me off your list" and hang up a couple of dozen times for you to have a new pair of Dockers, then it's well worth the effort. Are the kids still wearing dockers these days?

    Please keep thinking up the funniest things ever. Predictably, they're funny! And someone who I don't know added one, which is always fun. So go below!

    Now I'ma go beddy-bye, but I'm keeping a butcher's axe under the pillow in case any serial killers copied down my number. It's dull and rusty.


    At 1:18 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I missed my chance tp phone you while your phone number was posted on the internet. I am very upset. Phoning you was actually on my list of things to do today anyways. I only didn't because I stayed up all night not writing my proposal until 4 in the morning and then slept for most of the day. Can I still phone you or have I missed my only chance?

    At 1:23 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I just realized that I forgot to add my name to that comment.
    Actually, I think I won't tell you who I am. You can guess, I guess. Or, better yet, promise to accept a phone call from me without knowing who I am (unless of course you can tell already - in which case I would hope you would still accept a phone call from me).

    At 1:05 p.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

    Well, I only know one person who's writing a proposal and who regularly stays up until 4 in the morning.... But why a sophistocated urbanite like him would want to call me has left me scratching my noggin in wonder!

    At 2:40 p.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

    Actually, you know TWO sophisticated urbanites writing a proposal who regularly stay up until 4 in the morning!

    At 4:33 p.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

    You know, now that I think about it, it does seem odd that Sir Angelo of Interweb would forget to enter in his name. But who else is working on a proposal? I suppose that the only thing I can do is accept that anonymous phone call.


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