Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Better late than never!

A while back I posted a call for photo requests, as I was bored. I didn't finish them all, but here's the results, or as close as I'll get, because I probably won't work on it any more.

The Newly New Zealanded Natty-Pants said:

As for photo requests, how about:
1) you trying to (and failing - since it's impossible) lick your elbow, or licking somebody else's elbow.

No one would let me lick their elbow, and it's really hard to frame a shot of you licking your own elbow. As such, I balked.

2)you either succeeding or failing in touching your nose with your tongue

Better blurry than non-existant!

3) you or someone you know going down a slide

For the life of me I couldn't find a slide anywhere!

4) you or someone you know doing the splits (or coming as close to doing the splits as possible)

A picture of me standing upright with my legs together?

5) a picture of nora sleeping

Completely impossible. She's not the kind of dog who will go on sleeping peacefully when someone comes in the room. But here's my closest attempt.

6) a picture of a bird, any bird, in any location

7) a picture of a daisy made completely of socks

8) a picture of a penny making sweet love to a quarter in any location

Sorry for the bluriness. It's still hot though.

9) a picture of the sky

10) a picture of you or someone you know balancing an object on your head

When the call for pictures went out there was no one at home (hence the call for pictures in the first place) and I couldn't frame a shot and balance something on my head at the same time. As such, here is a penguin balancing a piece of paper on his head.

You'll note he's not too pleased about it.

Anonymous said...

I would like you to try and capture the essence of our patriarchal culture in one shot only.

Bonne chance!

Um.... OK.... here it is:

That's right. A long, dark hallway leading to a vaguely phallic symbol. Enjoy!

Angelo said...

I request a photo of a memento from a play you've been in. If you have none, I would like to see your DVD collection. Go!

It also would have been more work to gather all my DVD's into one place, so no. Come over if you want to see it.

The (living?) end!


At 3:56 p.m., Blogger Liz said...

Aha- You found Fife's note! He did not approve of me putting it there.

At 2:49 p.m., Blogger SimAC said...

I want a picture of a picture of a picture.
This should be relatively simple, I hope to see how creatively you can approach it.


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