The first blow has been struck
Terry Gilliam
c/o Jenne Casarotto
National House
60-66 Wardour St.
London W1V 4ND
Dear Mr. Gilliam,
I am writing on the absurd premise that you might actually read this letter, but hey, we all have our delusions, don’t we? I’ll understand if an employee doesn’t pass this on and I get a “Mr. Gilliam doesn’t have time for this sort of thing” form in return. It must happen all the time (resigned shrug).
I had read recently that there had been the possibility of bringing Good Omens to the big screen, and I was thrilled by the idea! Besides, who in their right minds wouldn’t want to see Johnny Depp as a demon and Robin Williams as an angel? When I heard about the projects lack of funding I was completely dumbfounded. How could they not want (need!) to make this film?
Well, my friends and I are writing to let you know that you’ve got the support of a few random crackpots in Northern Ontario who (for the six seconds of film it might buy you) could probably put up 75 bucks if you want it. Now before you get down on your knees and thank God on High for such generous benefactors just know that that amount is pending all of us being able to afford rent and food for next month. I’m sure we’ll be able to scrape it together. Just let us know. We really think you’d be good for this film.
And as long as you’re reading this (because I’m positive that it hasn’t just been thrown on a recycling pile. You wouldn’t do that! Heh…heh…heh….sigh…) may as well throw out there that we’re all pretty disgusted by how the execs have been forcing themselves on your films. I want to go see a Terry Gilliam film, not a Terry Gilliam/some producer suit film! We’re behind you! Power to the Picture-maker! (Not a very good slogan, but alliteration is fun.)
So to sum up; Yay Good Omens! Boo meddling execs! Yay 75-odd dollars! (Oh wait… it’s in Canadian dollars. Crud. Well, maybe you can pay for your parking meter when you need to stop for coffee or something. Dang. I hadn’t thought of that.)
Well, that’ll be that. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
Andrew Root
Newly Self-Appointed
Prime-Minister of the “Save Good Omens” Foundation,
which I just made up, just now.
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