Thursday, September 08, 2005

I've got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight...

Well, I finished my first day of school, relatively scar-free, despite handing out many copies of returning student kits to rabid returning students while Lovejones wore a saucy chapeau. It was DY-NO-MITE! Although my lunch was packed up I had the fortitude of mind to (after staying up way too late to make sure that my mid-day meal was both delicious and nutritious) leave it sitting on my bed this morning.

I got admitted to my morning class, which is a relief, because Shannon Hengen is a sweet lady. Kelly Smith is also a sweet lady. She helped me to figure out that I can indeed graduate this year. Woot!

My Chekov seminar looks like it's going to be a ball. I love Dr. Moroz. She's a good reason to get out of bed in the morning. I saw this young lady in said seminar, but didn't know if I should say "Hi" or not. Y'know, because we don't really know each other.... at all. So instead I sat with the people I sort of know rather than take a chance and make a new friend... le sigh.... Perhaps someday I will overcome my social phobias... only then will I feel comfortable riding a giraffe down main street shouting "Hey! Natalie! Let's you, me, and this giraffe go to the mall to get a gelato!"...... someday.

Shakespeare will be a challange, mainly because the prof sounds like he's going to be more anal than this and this combined.

I will try to be positive about this year! ARG! I'm making use of the free agenda! ARG! I have a budget! ARG! I have $90 in my iPOD fund! ARG!

That's it. I need a nap, but I'm at work. I think my trying hard to do well this year is hugely reliant on my ability to get a good night's sleep on a regular basis. But for now, I'm going to try not to fall asleep while reading some of Chekov's short stories. I also bought "Shopgirl" by Steve Martin, and it is SOOOooooOOOOooooOOO good. Really tremendously good.


At 9:26 p.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...

Wow, this is ridiculously sweet of you! That's it! You've just earned a spot in the "links" section!

And on Tuesday next, there will be "hello" saying, and then watching with rapt attention as Moroz swan-dives elegantly into Chekhov. Isn't she the best? I love her "somethingsomethingsomething" 's and how she says she is going to "somehow" do things.

See you there!

At 9:47 p.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...


New guy is anal, huh?
Maybe taking the same class with Sir Stutters last year wasn't such a bad idea after all.


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