Sunday, September 11, 2005

I just bloody knew it...

Well, as Elton John once said.... the bitch is back.

That's right, exactly 15 minutes after I run around like a chicken with its head cut off, Nora prances back into the parking lot, pretty as can be.

To commemorate, I took this picture.

Goofy girl who's never going outside without a triple secured collar again. If she ever runs away again, remind me not to talk to my well meaning, though completely agitating neighbor who told me that two of his previous dogs were killed by wolves and foxes in those woods.

Enormous sigh of relief

So who wants to hang out tonight?


At 9:36 p.m., Blogger Liz said...

Hey Andrew,
Sorry I wasn't in this evening to help you search. I'm really glad Nora's OK :)

At 12:17 a.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...


Hurray for Nora's safety!

At 12:38 a.m., Blogger Phinneas Q Jacksmith said...


Liz: No worries! It was mostly me wandering around cursing at the top of my lungs in a part of the woods that she probably wasn't in. I too am glad Nora's ok.

Natalie: (Nat? Which is better?) "Lord Thundering Jesus" just made my day and it's only 12:30am. Yeppers I have other pets! I have a bunny named Xerox, a chameleon named Ichabod and some fish named Voldemort and the Death Eaters. And that's just in Sudbury! And if you come back from New Zealand with an accent.... well, just you look out, sister! I don't always update this frequently. Only when I'm faced with a mountain that I don't want to climb. Only two more days until our impending "Hello"!

Angelo: "Whew" indeed! Nora's resting peacefully on her little bed and all is well with the universe. Or at least the puppyverse.


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