Sunday, May 14, 2006


Ok, screw it. Waiting around for people to think of the funniest things ever is decidely not funny, so contest is over. Everyone wins in their own special way.

Jenny & I are going to visit her parents for a couple of days and because we're quirky that way we're leaving as soon as she's done work, which is about 3 in the morning. So my plan is to pull an all-nighter tonight, sleep all day tomorrow and be fresh as a goddamn daisy so I can drive at night and Jenny can sleep. Then we'll switch somewhere along the line. So I'm sure I'll be posting quite a bit to keep myself awake tonight. And here is the first of many. It's a list:

  • Angelo is going to see Radiohead soon. I've decided that rather than be jealous I'm going to buy him a drink when he gets back and let him gush about how awesome the show was so I can live vicariously. Anyone want to join me?

  • I went to Chapters today because I was bored and ran into Cool Beard Luke and a young woman he introduced as Enigma39 from Xanga. Well, first her real name, which I can't spell so I won't try. She seemed nice. She was wearing a shirt with something written across the front, but I didn't want to stare and seem like a perv. I like to get to know people before I reveal my true pervy nature. Ugh..."pervy." Forget I wrote that word. Luke's beard looks very nice, by the by.

  • I missed my one year blogserversary! It was May 7th, so to celebrate belatedly I went through the old archives and had a snicker or two. One posting in particular stands out, so here it is:

    This guy at the movies tonight - He came up to me at the urinal and said "So I hear this is where all the pricks hang out." I told him that was a terrible joke, and he said "Yeah, but am I right?" So I said "Yeah, I've gotta give you that," and started towards the sink when I heard him say "You cocksucking asshole." In a bemused kind of way I told him not to get nasty to which he replied "I said it to myself," which I guess clears him of all charges.

    I was also reminded of watching Revenge of the Sith with Jenny and at the "NNNOOOOOOO!!!!" part she leaned over and said "Well, there goes the Oscar." I love Jenny.

  • I have dishes upon dishes upon motherfuckin' dishes to do. I know I should do them now because I won't get to them tomorrow and then I'm gone for 3-4 days which will cake the filth on further. Damn. I will do them at the last minute.

  • I'm going to try to compose something and post it tonight. But first, I will borrow some milk and have cereal.


    At 4:29 a.m., Blogger Angelo Muredda said...

    I'm doing the all-nighter thing as well!


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