1) Essays
2) Exams
3) Movies
a) King Kong
b) Syriana
c) Narnia
4) Kirsten
5) Xmas
6) Hamlet
7) Election
8) Xmas party
I haven't been able to sit down and actually write about life the universe and everything for quite a while due to a hectic schedule, but that has recently cleared right up after my final exam yesterday afternoon (more on that later). So here's the rundown as it stands. Feel free to jump between sections as you see fit. Heck, don't even read it if you don't want to. I'm pretty sure you're all imaginary anyways.
1) The Tragic Tale of Andrew's Essay(s): This story begins with my schedule being ridiculously full during the last 2 weeks of school, what with every single prof still firmly refusing to acknowledge that there are a million things due on the same day. Plus with work closing for renovations it meant increasingly late nights and no will to stay awake during the days. Anyhoo.... I had 2 essays due and one seminar presentation in one week. One essay on Dorothy Parker, one on Anton Chekhov, one presentation on Chekhov. The Parker essay posed the most problems because it was due on a Tuesday following a weekend in Toronto. So I asked for a week's extension, eventually finished it, put it on a disk to bring to the school to print it (sidenote: printers don't work so well when your dog chews the cables off), only to find that the disk was ridiculously corrupted with about 9 viruses. Did I mention it was my only copy of the essay? So I spent the better part of that night and the next day trying desperately to remember just what the hell I had written, as well as being really frustrated because I had totally washed my hands of the project and simultaneously falling behind on the other projects which needed handing in. Oh well. It's over and done with, and I got a 76, which isn't too bad, considering.
2) Exams: Two exams this semester, one went well while the other went horridly. Modern Women's Writing....grrrrr!!! Why do they all have to have such similar names? (Cather, Bonner, Spenser, Parker)
This accurately represents how well I think I did on
that one. Meh. The Chekhov exam went really well. I was done in an hour and five minutes and was the first one out of the entire gym. Creepy, let me tell you. It wasn't that it was a particularly easy exam, I just had no trouble writing it. The end of another semester. The guys who run the parking control need to lighten up.
3) Movies: I didn't even realize it, but I went to the movies three nights in a row this week. First to
The Chronicles of Narnia on Tuesday, then
Syriana on Wednesday, and on Thursday
King Kong. Impressions anyone?
a) King Kong: This makes two Peter Jackson movies in a row which made me walk out of the theatre with a sensational high, where all I can do for the next few hours is say "Man, that was really great!" There were a million moments where I had my hand over my mouth, was on the edge of my seat, or sunk ridiculously far into it. The entire first hour took a while to get chugging along, and I'm glad I made a bathroom break (one of the only times I've ever done that), because I wouldn't have been able to find a suitable place to go after that, but Naomi Watts' scream when she first sees Kong made it all worth it. I realized the terror that had been brewing for sixy minutes was entirely justified. The moment which completely captured me was Kong's embarrasment after a rock hits him in the head. I remember thinking "Boy, that's a long shot to have of just his face," but the emotion was entirely palpable. As for "wow's" there is a long long list. Kong's dispatching of the final T-Rex, all of the perspective shots from the Empire State Building (which all but made me black out. I don't like heights.), the insanely creepy witch woman on the island to name a few. There are a few cheesy moments, like Kong sliding on the ice in New York or the ridiculously slow typing out of "S"..... "K"...... "U"...... "L"....... "L", but the friendship between Ann Darrow and the ape rang entirely true. If acting awards were given out based on technical merits, Naomi Watts should win hands down. Her relationship with an entirely digital creation is the heart and soul of this movie and it was completely undoubtable.
b) Syriana: It wasn't until afterwards that I fully grasped what this movie was about, and rightly so, I think. That was part of it's charm is that so many things are happening at once that it's impossible to see all the tiny connecting strands between each story, but they could not exist without each other. This movie slowly confirmed my opinions about (some) politicians; people are not important. Being in charge of people is what's important. (ever wonder why that show froma few years back about the honest congressman didn't last long?) It was scary to see the influence and power that a company can have (even if I was having a hard time not making puns with their names). I loved the slowburn realization that I got while watching and discussing this movie.
c) The Chronicles of Narnia: I might have enjoyed this more had I been abl to stop comparing it with
Lord of the Rings. But then, why wouldn't I compare the two? Very enjoyable, and Lucy Pevensie was ridiculously cute as buttons. There wasn't enough time spent on character development, unfortunately, because there are a buttload of characters to go through. "Are you with me.... uh... centaur whose name I never got around to learning?" "To the death!" I had my doubts about Tilda Swinton at first. I was really excited when I saw her in the previews, but I was a little underwhelmed by her performace near the beginning. The dress she was wearing did not help either. She looked teeny tiny inside of it, which detracted from her grace and power. It wasn't until the battle scene when she was fluidly dispatching centaurs left and right that I became terrified of her. She seemed a little petulant up until that point. The kids did a pretty decent job, considering for a few of them this was their first movie. Edmund looked a little awkward in his armour, and Peter looked a little bit like Kirsten Humbert, which brings me to my next point:
4) Kirsten: I seem to have the most interesting and random meetings with Kirsten. After my final exam yesterday, I had an hour to kill, so I went to the Buddha to visit Jenny. Kirsten was working too, and we had a few off-centre conversations involving New Year's kissing etiquette and how to make someone fall in love with you. When it was time to go we exchanged hugs and while Kirsten & I were hugging, Jenny said "Now rub your boobs together!" So we did (although my boobs pale in comparision... y'know... because I don't have the advantage of estrogen). The look on Ms. Humbert's face was priceless. It was something along the lines of "I'm being forced to do this and I'm not enjoying it, but I'll still keep doing it and maybe it won't be so bad after all!" Now I'll just cross that off he list of things to do before I die, and add it to the list of things to do
again before I die. Thanks Kirsten! You're fun!
5) Xmas: 'Tis the season! I'm done all my shopping, none of my wrapping, and I'm going to watch some xmas movies with friends tonight! WOOT! It'll be nice to be home for a few days. All my sibs will be there with their significant ohers, but Jenny's in Fort Erie (understandibly so), so I'll have to make Nora my girlfriend for xmas morning. One issue: Dad asked me to take part in the xmas service at church. He wants me to do the part of a shepherd with Mary and Joseph and the whole bit. How do I mention that this does not sync up with my own beliefs, not to mention makes me a little uncomfortable? The thing is that I know he's a little stuck, not to mention stressed out. It also means memorizing some lines, and I already have about 1500 to do for the play. Grrr.... decisions, decisions. I think I'll see if he can find anyone else, and if not I'll do it. By the way, writing "xmas" isn't representative of my religious beliefs, it's just faster.
6) Hamlet: I've got the script, so now I have to memorize it. I used up an entire highlighter marking my lines, so I'm a little daunted right now, but I've got the first three down pat already! Laertes and I have completed our swordfighting training, so I know how to kill both him and the king. It'll be fun! I can see how force-feeding poison is going to work now. Now I just have to make sure I can remember the technique!
1) A little more than kin and less than kind
2) Not so my lord, I am too much i' th' sun.
3) Ay, Madam. It it common.
7) Election: Apparently there's an election coming up soon. I don't really care too
too much. I find that I'm accutely aware that all the political parties are trying to work me over, and I feel a little roughed up. It seems to be a case of "Look what a horrible job these guys are doing! You DESERVE better!" or "Look at all the stuff we've accomplished! We did it for YOU!" or "The NDP are Satan incarnate! GIVE US YOUR MONEY!" It all seems so petty and unfocussed. They don't particularly care about any issues, but only in staying in power. Bah.
8) Xmas Party: I had my xmas party for the bingo hall on Wednesday night. I thought we were all going to have dinner and get drunk, then pass out poorly planned Kris Kringle gifts. Boy was I wrong! I walked out of there with $120 in gift certificates! Merry Xmas to ME!
I'm out of time. There. Everything that's been on my mind for a while, but all of the above was taking place, so there was no time to reflect. But now I can start reading "The Wars" which I borrowed from Liz about an aeon ago. Maybe more. Who can tell with all the flux?
And so, good day.