Thursday, March 30, 2006

Writing in the margins

As we were discussing whether or not "anyone can do anything if they've got what it takes" or not (a subject which I felt needed little discussion in the first place, let alone 25 minutes) someone said quite casually that it's much easier for a man to abandon his children than it is for a woman. There were general murmurs of approval, and a couple of expansions on that theme, citing that since men don't have to actually carry a child their bond with it is lessened, if not erradicated.

So there's your lesson for the day: Men will abandon their children, kind of like dropping a penny on the ground and not wanting to bend over and pick it up.

I'm not going to be stupid about it and whine about being picked on for being a man (and white!) because that's about as dumb as thinking that Christians have no say in how the States are run, but come on... Sweeping generalizations like that are just dumb. Could I get away with saying that women are more likely to trick a man into impregnating them simply because women are capable of giving birth? You tell me.

Please look at the picture below. It will cheer you up, and me.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Jenny & Cyrano

If I could just get rid of the date at the bottom, this would probably the most artistic picture I've ever taken.


Michael Hooper, recent returning ruler of The Fortress (Starring Michael Hooper) has taken the time and effort to magically erase the time code, using some sort of computer wizardy; or computzerdry, if you will. What a fella! So you can go ahead and ignore the bitching about the date above and instead bask in the glow. BASK!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Here's your daily wisdom, direct from me to you:

It is easier to avoid work than to do it, but eventually you start to feel kind of bad about all the avoiding, because come on... think of the children.

God, I hate this essay. Low to mid seventies, HERE I COME!

Thank you Yeah Yeah Yeahs for this parapharase (buy their new album, "Show Your Bones" today):

I got an essay who makes me wanna kill
I got an essay who makes me wanna kill
I got an essay he makes me wanna uh
I got an essay who makes me wanna Kill

I got an essay who makes me wanna die
I got an essay who makes me wanna die
I got an essay who makes me wanna OH!
I got an essay who makes me wanna die

We're all gonna burn in hell.
I said we're all gonna burn in hell
Because we do what we gotta do real well
And we got the fever to tell
I said we got the fever to tell

I got an essay who makes me
I got an essay who makes the devil pale
I got an essay who makes me wanna kill
I got an essay who makes me wanna kill Yeah


After about 20 minutes of working on the essay for Shakespeare, not only have I completely lost the will to continue, but I think I just want to go home and spend the rest of the day curled in a ball, listening to good music or watching good movies.

Can I afford to have this attitude? Absolutely not. Is that motivation to get the job done? Absolutely not. Time to stop thinking about problems which (I'm told) makes them go away!

Monday, March 27, 2006

O' What a Night!

This will be a good day. At 3:10 Jenny & I will get to see Claire Danes running a shop (being the girl that she is), then at 7:00 Liz, Stephie & myself will be watching Phillip Seymour Hoffman earn that Oscar! Then who knows what the night holds?

And before all that... I believe I shall attempt an essay! So for those of you who are pictorially minded, in this order:


Gettin' organized:

Essays Left To Do:

  • Directing - Due April 5th (ie/ next wednesday)
  • Shakespeare - Due March 21st (ie/ several days ago)
  • Greek Mythology - Due March 24th (ie/ a few days ago)
  • Atwood - Due March 29 (ie/ this wednesday)

    Essays Completed To Date:

  • Contemporary Women's Writing

    Exams: (in chronological order)

  • Shakespeare - Saturday April 8th, 9am (Gym)
  • Contemp. Women's Writing - Saturday April 8th, 7pm (C-304)
  • Atwood - Monday April 10th, 2pm (Gym)
  • Greek Mythology - Tuesday April 18th, 7pm (Gym)
  • Directing: No exam
  • Acting for the Camera: No exam

    Current status:

    A little left of screwed.

  • Isis is nice-is

    She said, "Where ya been?" I said, "No place special."
    She said, "You look different." I said, "Well, yeah."

    Saturday, March 25, 2006

    This should stir up some comments.

    My better judgement keeps telling me that this can't be real, that it is in some sad way a hoax... but according to all the signs... it is.

    Britney Spears has been honoured with (get this) her own pro-life monument. Expertly titled "Monument to Pro-life: The Birth of Sean Preston" the statue features a completely naked and completely pregnant Spears on all fours holding the ears of a wolf or bear or something. I have a picture of it, but I wanted to try and describe it first. It is... somethin' else.

    I just..... wow. Drumroll, please.

    Alternate titles for the sculpture inculde: "A sex doll I was making but someone caught me, so now it's Britney giving birth... on all fours... for some reason."

    Anyone else wondering what the other side of the statue looks like? I'm guessing there's a coupon for fried chicken!

    Welcome to Ballard St.

    Friday, March 24, 2006


    Today in the Brenda Wallace Reading Room I was accosted by not one, but two giant penguins who implored me to vote in the SGA elections. So I did. But someone needs to check on Luke, as one of them stole his shoes and was parading around in them. Those son-of-a-bitch penguins.

    Why is it 3:07am? Because of those penguins...

    Thursday, March 23, 2006

    I've got the motivation for procrastination! Ha! What a delicious rhyme!

    It always makes me laugh when people in my morning class (one person in particular, but I'm trying to be general so as not to pick on anyone *cough*Andrea*cough*her name is*cough*Andrea*cough*) make wide sweeping generalizations about characters and stories we read and then back up their opinion with something they saw on Oprah or Dr. Phil. For example: In a play about pedophilia there is no hope of having sympathy for the male characters, as they are all secretly pedophiles. Wait- what? Could we possibly see these men as having a sickness, something which needs treatment? No. They are all deplorable.


    A funny, but exhausting start to the day which will most likely continue in low gear as a result of the whopping $1.75 I have with which to buy myself food for the day. And rounding it all out by being the impromptu sound tech for the Acting class's production of "Our Country's Good" (which will actually be pretty fun, but again, in that exhausting kind of way).

    I know, I know. I'll go and start working on those essays right now. Geez. You don't have to get so pushy. At least one of them will not be extremely taxing, which is a bonus.

    This will be me shortly, if I wore glasses.

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006

    This was fun, so I'm doing it again

    How does the world see me?
    Song: Sugar
    Artist: Tori Amos
    Comments: I have a secret that I don't want anyone to find out. But I'm very sweet!

    Will I have a happy life?
    Song: Tiny Cities Made of Ashes
    Artist: Modest Mouse
    Comments: Probably not, seeing as all the cities in the world will have burned down and someone wants to punch me in my glasses. However, I will be able to communicate with God, and there will be plenty of Coca-Cola to go around!

    What do my friends really think of me?
    Song: ÞAð Sést Ekki Sætari Mey
    Artist: Bjork
    Comments: My friends think I'm catchy and amusing, but they have no idea what I'm saying. It's almost as though I'm speaking in another language!

    Do people secretly lust after me?
    Song: Dead Leaves & The Dirty Ground
    Artist: The White Stripes
    Comments: People think of me as kind of grungy, so I'm guessing not. But then there is a mention of "soft hair and a velvet tongue," so I'm conflicted. Maybe people are attracted to my dirtiness.

    How can I make myself happy?
    Song: Gone for Good
    Artist: The Shins
    Comments: Get out the door! Run away from my problems! FLEE FLLEEEEEEEEE!!!

    What should I do with my life?
    Song: The Scientist
    Artist: Coldplay
    Comments: But my science marks suck! But I guess this song is about the science of love. Perhaps I'll be the developer of a new aphrodisiac.

    Why is life full of so much pain?
    Song: That's the Way
    Artist: Led Zeppelin
    Comments: That's the nature of the world we live in. Hobbes was right (the philosopher, not the tiger). This is my favourite Led Zeppelin song, by the way.

    How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
    Song: Halloween
    Artist: Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
    Comments: Anger. Sweet, rough, angry sex will satisfy me.

    Will I ever have children?
    Song: Man
    Artist: Yeah Yeah Yeah's
    Comments: This question seems to make me angry and homicidal... then suicidal... then apocalyptic. So yes I will have children, and those children will grow up to be artists.

    Will I die happy?
    Song: No No No
    Artist: Yeah Yeah Yeah's
    Comments: Draw your own conclusions on this one. "I hurt when I'm home" suggests that I'll have a long and turbulent sickness, but won't go to the hospital.

    What is some good advice for me?
    Song: Moses
    Artist: Coldplay
    Comments: Become Jewish. I guess you get special powers (ducks to avoid flying PC's who are descending on me like flying monkeys).

    What is happiness?
    Song: All Neon Like
    Artist: Bjork
    Comments: I guess happiness lives in Las Vegas. And since what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, happiness is secrecy.

    What is my favourite fetish?
    Song: My Doorbell
    Artist: The White Stripes
    Comments: Loosely veiled sexual metaphors. I do enjoy a good pun!

    How will I be remembered?
    Song: Back in the USSR
    Artist: The Beatles
    Comments: People will think I moved to Russia. Or that I am Russian. Or that I fell in love with a Russian, thus proving that they didn't know much about me in the first place.

    Monday, March 20, 2006

    Time to contribute a bit.

    I've been voyeur-ing everyone else's sites for a few days, so I believe it's time to give back to society (even though you're all just figments of my imagination. Readers... pah!). But be aware, this post is particularly devoid of sunshine.

    I'm sitting here listening to the Lord of the Rings soundtracks and wondeRING if maybe the world is a dark, bottomless pit of evil and stupidity (For those of you playing the home game, I'm up to the Two Towers. Hobbiton is long gone, and Aragorn refuses to take up the kingship).

    I swear to god if anyone else says that school is almost over I will shoot them with a crossbow. All that does is fill my torso with an undulating mess of black smoke and dust and makes my forehead burn with the thoughts of unfinished (not to mention unstarted) essays, projects and the lovely fabulous exams I have coming up; more than any other year. More than some years put together. Shit fuck hell. "But you're graduating this year, you've got to feel pretty good about that." What's to feel good about? The looming debt? The knowledge that I'll be the only one at my job with a university degree? The fact that the world still frowns on anything remotely artistic as a career? How about this; that I won't be able to afford to do anything with myself for a good long while? Oh yeah, I feel superb.

    If it wasn't for sock monkeys and puppies, I don't know what I'd do.

    And if anyone's thinking about saying "cheer up, it's not so bad!" please redirect your thinking.

    Please feel to stop reading, if you ever started.

    Saturday, March 18, 2006

    A fun way to pass the time

    Lovingly stolen from someone I don't know.

    Here are the rules:

    Get an iPod, media player, mix CD, or anything else that randomly selects songs for you. Answer these questions based on the songs that come out of them. What do these songs tell you about yourself?
    Here we go!

    How does the world see me?
    Song: Death Room Blues
    Artist: Blind Willie McTell
    Comments: The world will be sad when I die. But then it will realize that I am not it's mother and will feel a little better. But for a good while it will be "moanin' and cryin'."

    Will I have a happy life?
    Song: Downhearted Blues
    Artist: Son House
    Comments: Geez! Things are not looking up for your intrepid narrator! It seems my future life will be filled with sorrow and rememberance. Crud.

    What do my friends really think of me?
    Song: Possibly Maybe
    Artist: Bjork
    Comments: My friends actually find me quite random and confusing with strong sexual undertones. They have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, but when I'm not around they suck on their tongues and wear lipstick in rememberance of me.

    Do people secretly lust after me?
    Song: Sorrow
    Artist: Pink Floyd
    Comments: One guy does. And he's really sad that he can't have me. By the way, I do listen to cheerful music sometimes.

    How can I make myself happy?
    Song: There's a Doctor
    Artist: The Who
    Comments: I guess I need some medical help. And I should get right on that.

    What should I do with my life?
    Song: Cruel
    Artist: Tori Amos
    Comments: My future will include being mean to people for absolutely no reason at all. Maybe that's why I'm going to be so unhappy and no one knows what's going on inside my head.

    Why is life full of so much pain? (This is the real question. It did not spring out of my despair at having a dark, angry future)
    Song: Black Cadillacs
    Artist: Modest Mouse
    Comments: There is pain in life because we can't relate to our children, and we constantly dwell on death. We also dislike ourselves. Man, this just keeps getting bleaker and bleaker.

    How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
    Song: The Great Gig in the Sky
    Artist: Pink Floyd
    Comments: Well, I'm not exactly sure, but apparently there is great pleasure out there to be had. That's a comforting thought.

    Will I ever have children?
    Song: A Punch Up at a Wedding
    Artist: Radiohead
    Comments: Given that this song begins with the word "No" x 42, it looks doubtful. "I don't know why you bother" is another clue. Besides, with the dark cloud hanging over my destiny it's probably better that no children ever come near me.

    Will I die happy?
    Song: Living Room
    Artist: Tegan & Sara
    Comments: Hmmm... I'm reaching on this one... but apparently I'm going to go on "living", but I'll become a stalker.

    What is some good advice for me?
    Song: Apple Blossom
    Artist: The White Stripes
    Comments: Try and be happy by finding the right person to talk to. But many people you do talk to don't care, so y'know... watch out for that.

    What is happiness?
    Song: I'm Free
    Artist: The Who
    Comments: Happiness is freedom. Possibly religious freedom, I'm not sure. Maybe just the freedom to enjoy a good game of pinball.

    What is my favourite fetish?
    Song: Two Step (acoustic)
    Artist: Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
    Comments: It's possible that my favourite fetish is acoustic versions of already good songs recorded before the artist began phoning it in at live shows, or possibly a good party and woman who will "give me just what I am seeking."

    How will I be remembered?
    Song: No Queen Blues
    Artist: Sonic Youth
    Comments: People will think I'm a female storyteller who says "no" a lot. Apparently a lot of people will be against me, but my true friends will know that it's the world that is wrong, not me. (haha, the next song was "Stairway to Heaven")

    This was the most fun I've had in filling out a quiz in a long time.

    I'm sure I can come up with a lyric of the week...

    As life gets longer, awful feels softer.
    Well it feels pretty soft to me.
    And if it takes shit to make bliss,
    then I feel pretty blissfully.

    Longing to Blink.

    A big thank you t'all who have come to see the show thus far. Performing for a house is nicer than an empty auditorium. I've been thinking that I wish there were more shows. I'm actually curious as to how it would have played out in the poorly conceptualized Studio Theatre at Cambrian. Besides, I doubt rather seriously that I'll get the chance to play this role again and the selfish part of me wants more people to see me. But it's such a great cast and crew that nothing can really spoil this. I think it's safe to say that if I'm never in another play again I will have no regrets about my last show.

    So, you who have seen the play... what did you think?

    p.s. I just realized that St. Paddy's day has come and gone and not a drop of Guiness has touched these lips. I feel so unsatisfied. Maybe I could go out for a pint today and just claim that St. Paddy's has become too commercial and that's my rebellion.

    Thursday, March 16, 2006

    What are YOU doing tonight?

    Be there (at 7:30pm) or be square.

    Come early and pick your seat! Pick a friend's seat! I don't care!

    Tuesday, March 14, 2006

    A Quandry

    Does this seem incongruous to anyone else, or does it portend to my person alone?

    In a class with 31 vaginas and one penis, why is it that I am the only one comfortable with saying words like "period," "menstrual blood," and "virginity?"

    Sample 1:

    Classmate: The red cloak is symbolic of her... you know.

    Hengen: I'm not sure I do.

    Sample 2:

    Classmate: She's described as "an unbroken egg, a closed system." They're talking about her... well, how she's never been with a man before.

    Hengen: They certainly are. HAH!

    Sunday, March 12, 2006

    Yet another post...

    Best bathroom graffitti I've seen in a dog's age:


    2: That's funny. I heard he saves.

    And now to sit back and wait for the comments to come a-pourin' in.

    So.... conflicted.....

    It's Meg White.... holding a snake....


    Thank God for Luke

    And if you knew Luke, you'd appreciate the irony of that statement. I have been saved from the boredom of the AGS by a quiz stolen from a President!

    When I was five: I went horseback riding for the first time. The saddle was painful and I shrieked like a banshee.

    My mother told me: That 90% of what I say is unoriginal.

    There's this girl I know who: is going to be very famous one day.

    I lost: the headphones to my iPod

    Last night: Michael Emond served me shrimp

    Once I dreamt: Angelina Jolie sat next to me at a concert. She ate Starbursts until she weighed 3000 pounds.

    When I listen to music: I listen to good music.

    Last time I was drunk: I played "electronic Spin-The-Bottle."

    Days until my birthday: 292

    If I was a character written by Shakespeare I'd be: Oddly, Hamlet. But wouldn't everyone?

    By this time next year: I hope to have enough money to do something creative with my life.

    I have a hard time understanding: poetry.

    You know I like you if: You get a hug.

    If I won an award, the first person I'd thank is: Jessica Rabbit.

    Take my advice: PLEASE! HAH!

    My ideal breakfast is: Cereal, cereal, cereal.

    If you visit my hometown: I'll take you to some fun stores.

    Why won't anyone: bring me a pita?

    I'd stop my wedding if: I had a heart attack.

    The world could do without: a few choice people. Actually, they should be put on an island and made to fight each other.

    My favorite blonde is: Stephie!

    Paper clips are more useful than: a kick in the shin with a frozen muckluck.

    And by the way: you've got some fuzz on your shoulder.

    The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: Mongooses. But if Cobras start flying, I am never leaving the house again.

    Random fact: If I have kids, I'd like 2 girls named Wednesday and Penny.

    I secretly: think myself quite untalented.

    Ahhhh... 17 minutes efficiently wasted. I feel like burning off some fumes instead of collecting them and exporting them.

    It was foggy this morning. Fog = Mystery.


    I haven't cleaned out my bag in a godforsaken long time, and I think my headphones are in there. So... actually there's no reason to post this, other than to think about what future civilizations might think of me if they dug up my bag millions of years from now.

  • "Nosferato" DVD
  • "I Heart Huckabees" DVD (Special edition)
  • "Titus" DVD
  • "Hamlet" script
  • "Fun with Subtext" script
  • 1st page of an unknown Beckett script
  • Mark sheet from directing class
  • "Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead" script
  • Diagram of 25 different hairstyles ranging from 1905 - 1966
  • Hair brush
  • Large, unwieldy headphones
  • pommade
  • "Plays for Actresses" book
  • 1st page of another unknown Beckett script
  • Semi-empty journal
  • "Julius Caesar" script (New Cambridge edition)
  • 1 piece of paper with the numbers 1296, 340, and "approx 4" written on it
  • Johnny Cash CD - "American 4: The Man Comes Around"
  • Very underused agenda
  • Full journal
  • "Zits" comic book
  • "Tribute" magazine
  • Empty gum wrapper
  • Empty "M&M's" wrapper
  • 2 Pens
  • Pencil
  • 6 pennies
  • Lip balm
  • Bingo Caller's license
  • Smart Serve pin
  • 2 sets of keys

    Not sure what happened to the towel I had in there, and I can't find my tiny, economical headphones. But large, unwieldy ones are cool too. They serve as earmuffs in the winter as well as enhancing a listening experience.

    Everything but the empty wrappers is now going back inside. Wish me luuuuuuuuccckkkk!

  • Friday, March 10, 2006

    Not one to be left off the bandwagon...


    Some fun facts about the man of the moment (pilferred from various sources):

  • Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
  • Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter.
  • Chuck Norris always knows the EXACT location of Carmen SanDiego.
  • Chuck Norris doesn't believe in Germany.
  • On his birthday, Chuck Norris randomly selects one lucky child to be thrown into the sun

    Could you be the lucky kid?

  • Thursday, March 09, 2006

    A Liz and Andrew Co-Post

    Words/Phrases we HATE

  • Stress
  • Tired
  • Strike
  • Calm down
  • Relax
  • Introvert
  • Blog/weblog
  • Sentimentality is for losers
  • You look like you're tired
  • Deliberate..... pause
  • It'll all be over soon
  • What are you going to do next year?
  • What's your fall-back plan?

    More to come, I'm certain.

  • Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    Crochety lyric of the week

    Well, my name it is Sam Hall, Sam Hall.
    Yes, my name it is Sam Hall, it is Sam Hall.
    My name it is Sam Hall an' I hate you, one and all.
    An' I hate you, one and all
    Damn your eyes!

    hee hee hee... what a curmudgeon!

    An antic dispoisition

    I got my hair cut for the show. I am firmly of the opinion that this style looks good in costume. But when I'm not dressed as a 20's reporter/stockbroker I feel kind of dumb. I also did an interview last night for Northern Life. I fear greatly that this interview will make me look like a damn inarticulate fool. I was intensely unquotable.

    Oh yeah, and what will we be working on come Wednesday (ie/ tomorrow)? You would not think how all here about my heart... but it it no matter. My one real concern is that I keep cutting the bedroom scene in half. What could it possibly be that's holding me back from getting this scene? Here are a few ideas:

    1) Good night mother
    2) Once more, good night
    3) So again, good night
    4) Mother, good night indeed
    5) Good night mother
    6) For this same lord I do repent
    7) I will answer well the death I gave him
    8) I will bestow him
    9) I'll lug the guts to the neighbor room
    10) Come sir, to draw toward an end with you
    11) Such an act
    12) Such a deed
    13) I took thee for thy better
    14) Take thy fortune
    15) Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool
    16) A queen, fair, sober, wise
    17) A paddock, a bat, a gib
    18) Most still, most secret and most grave

    To name a few things that might throw me. That, plus a smoke machine that robs my mouth of moisture. Well, luckily, we might not be using it! haha!

    I'm glad the acting in this show is so solid. So much so that we prolly won't even need the set. It'll be bitchin'!

    Stolen from Luke. Possibly the only time you might see Hamlet being performed in a plaid shirt and sock feet:

    I don't know who I'm telling off here. Could be any number of people.

    Monday, March 06, 2006

    There. I said it.

    Anyone who didn't like Crash is a racist.

    Which makes about as much sense as all the Crash-bashers who are trying to make me feel stupid for liking the damn movie.

    Still, heh heh... didn't see that one coming.

    Saturday, March 04, 2006

    Reflections on Directing Class

    I'm in a class in which the criteria is to take someone's written work and translate it to the stage in a visual plethora of images, comedic timing, and dramatic tension. I am enjoying said class. Thus far I have completed four pieces and am in need of a fifth. I'm thinking an excerpt from "Three Tall Women" by Edward Albee, but I haven't actually finished reading it yet, so... I guess I should probably do that.

    The first piece was an autorama, which is basically a dramatised version of the highlights of my life. This piece was flat and bland, as I don't generally like dramatising my own life. As such, the general feeling I have towards it is "meh." There was some symbolism in it, but basically that was overshadowed by the approximately 3 hours of work I put into it.

    The second piece I'm much more fond of. The script was Kurt Schwitter's "Anxiety Play" a blank dialogue with characters "a" and "b." I set the scene in a gay strip club, with a certain President of the SGA (who shall remain nameless) as a stripper who doesn't know he's stripping for a male customer (me). Originally I was thinking to have a female stripper and just have her be not very good at it, but my choice of actress was in the Dominican attending her sister's wedding that week. Thankfully the scene worked much better with a man as the stripper.

    The third project was to direct the "To be or not to be" speech from Hamlet. I chopped it up into a dialogue and set the scene of a married couple in their last fight before the marriage disintegrates. Luke and Jenny phenomonally star as the married couple.

    The last project was a tricky one and the most stress inducing for me. Valerie gave us a script that she wrote to direct, instead of the intended Opehlia going nutty scene from Hamlet. The new script was...well.... I didn't really like it. It was very very very stark, naked, with tonnes of bleak references to incest and purification. So after battling round my brain for the longest time about how to make the scene work, I deceded to give Val what she wanted and more. The section of the play I chose to do was a monologue of the story of Noah's ark. I was struck by the number of times the word "purification" came up, so I likened the flooding of the earth to Hitler's "Final solution." The idea being; What do the people who are being purified (ie/ all the drowned people/animals = Jewish people) think of the purification? So I had Jenny and Erica dress up in red bras and booty shorts with swastikas on the bums, as well as jack boots and Hitler moustaches. Then I had them do a vaudeville routine in front of a projection of Nazi propoganda and Charlie Chaplin while "European Son" by the Velvet Underground played and Jay's recorded voice shouted the Nuremberg address. Then there was blood and a strobe light. I think it was pretty effective, although I agree with the criticism that there were too many things going on at once. Never again will I do a show with so many technical aspects. Freak-out city. I tend to be very short with people when I'm stressed out. I don't like being short with people.

    This next project will be more traditional. There are three characters and a fixed setting. I'd like Jenny to play the 92 year old woman, Nadia Stalus to play the 52 year old woman, and a girl from my Atwood class to play the 26 year old woman. I don't know her name! Isn't that terrible? This is all, of course, providing that I like the script (of which I have read about 4 pages) and that I can find an appropriate place to cut it, as the scene can only be 15 - 20 minutes long.

    I've learned a great deal in this class, (such as don't assume ANYTHING when working with actors, even though it's extremely tempting. This is a lesson I learn over and over), but I can't stop! It's kind of irritating when we're doing some Hamlet work and I want to insert my own point of view into the show. Plus I like talking about the class, because I think it's fascinating... but I always feel like I'm saying "LOOK AT WHAT A FAB-OO JOB I DID ON THIS!"

    Hence this post.

    Thanks to all the actors I've worked with. Your talents are considerable and I am pleased and very thankful that you've chosen to share them with me.

    Brokeback Camel

    Heavens to Murgatory! I've gone deaf! The compy at the gallery has been reformatted and the sound device has been removed. Significance? I can no longer listen to music at work, nor can I watch movies as the DVD device (which I paid for) has been deleted. We have been warned in writing that downloading of such things is "frowned upon." Which makes it official: I quit. After my 4 whopping shifts this month I will no longer be back at the gallery. And just when I was finding ways to pass the time. A clear-cut case of "too little too late." Well, I still have the internal speaker which screams "BIP!" at me any time anything happens.

    You may be saying, "Isn't this just a tiny little inconvenience? Hardly worth quitting over." Tell that to this guy.

    So chances are that I will be posting every single thought that comes into my head today, as this is my only portal into the outside world. (Did I mention that Messenger has also been deleted and banned?) May as well get right into the swing of things:

    "Website", or "websight"? Noodle that one for a while and get back to me.

    Friday, March 03, 2006

    Meet Clyde Forgotten

    This is Clyde Forgotten. He's a sock monkey. Correction, he's THE sock monkey. He doesn't say much.

    Tuckered out after a long day of being an AWESOME sock monkey.

    Things I will have accomplished before the day is out

  • Hair cut - Check
  • Directing script chosen - Check
  • Laundry started - Check
  • Pictures picked up - Check
  • Shakespeare thesis thought about - Putting off until tomorrow
  • Atwood chapter read and annotated - Crap I fell asleep
  • Light cleaning - Turns out most of the mess was from clothes everywhere
  • Thursday, March 02, 2006

    Uh oh....

    I've got a lurking sense of forboding. Fear, thy name is VISA.

    Thank god in an emergency I know I can count on that 8 cents I have left.

    Wednesday, March 01, 2006

    Q: What would you ask a South African priest who's coming to talk to your class?

    Liz- I'm in my tree talking to the Dixie Chicks and they're making me feel better says:
    I think I thought of a question for the South African priest.
    You could ask him what his greatest spiritual challenge was during the political turmoil, or the most challenging question someone brought about his faith because of the unrest.

    Andrew - I'm listening to good music. Are YOU listening to good music? says: You know, my teacher actually emailed the entire class to say "Please don't pick on the guest."

    Liz- I'm in my tree talking to the Dixie Chicks and they're making me feel better says: oh OK, so she doesn't want good questions...
    ask him what his favourite colour is.

    Andrew - I'm listening to good music. Are YOU listening to good music? says: hahaha, seriously?

    Andrew - I'm listening to good music. Are YOU listening to good music? says: I think I might want to avoid "colour" questions.