Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It's beginning to smell a lot like Spri - ing...

However the fact that it is not quite March yet fills me with dread.

Did anyone else notice how referring to it as "Climate Change" instead of "Global Warming" made it ok to talk about?

In related news, Al Gore has recruted several celebrities to present his "Inconvenient Truth" slideshow across the world. Included in those celebrities is Cameron Diaz (The newest addition to the curse word lexicon).

Maybe it's just me but that seems kind of like Einstein not being able to make it to a lecture on the Theory of Relativity and instead getting.... Cameron Diaz.


Monday, February 26, 2007

50% of Oscarians agree...

Andrew guessed the following correctly!

Andrew guessed the following incorrectly!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Maybe I didn't know what I was signing up for...

Wig? No one said wig!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Playlist for a Shit-tay day at work.

1. Such Great Heights - The Postal Service

2. Headlock - Imogen Heap

3. Broken Boy Soldier - The Raconteurs

4. Fancy - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

5. The Joker & The Theif - Wolfmother

6. Level - The Raconteurs

7. Teardrop - Massive Attack

And then you're ready to get back to work.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Stolen from the only cashier in Zellers

1. I've come to realize that my ex is... pretty smart for ending things with me when she did.

2. I am listening to... FRANZ FERDINAND! This Fffire.

3. I talk … Twelve times daily. And only twelve.

4. I love… My sweet little sleepy puppy.

5. My best friends... dance and sing on command.

7. I lost... the point, but not the argument.

8. I hate it when people... are needless jerks, or forget whe you tell them something really important.

9. Love is... I mean- "L is for the way..."

10. Marriage is… the carriage to love's horse. I think... Was Sinatra ever married?

11. Somewhere, someone is thinking... "Wow, everyone looks like ants..."

12. I'll always be... carbon-based!

13. I have a crush on... Clive Owen.

14. The last time I cried was because... I was an emo kid.

15. My cell phone… is non-existant. If I bought one now I'd be so far behind, what with all the options. I'd have to get one of those huge grey ones.

16. When I wake up in the morning... my subconsious mind makes ersuasive arguments as to why I should hit the snooze just once more.

17. Before I go to sleep at night... I make sure there is water beside my bed.

18. Right now I am thinking about... Acting vs. the need to have a beard.

19. Babies are... tiny, wailing Winston Churchills.

20. I get on myspace... and then remember that I don't have a myspace account. (This answer courtesy of Liz!)

21. Today I... slept, ate, and worked. Seriously, that's it.

22. Tonight I will... sleep perchance to dream.

23. Soon I will... pet my puppy.

24. I really want... my boss to start giving me the time off that I ask for.

25. The person who is most likely to repost this... More than likely no one. I've waited until everyone else on the internet finished it.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Push Play

According to the CBC tonight, Nero did not fiddle as Rome burned (what with the fiddle not being invented until 1500 years later). Rather, he bagpiped.

I would pretty much dig being able to play the bagpipes. However, like many instruments, you've got to walk before you can run. Walking, in this instance means spending months annoying your loved ones and neighbours as you attempt to learn the basics of the instrument. Whatever the case, Here is a list of instruments it'd be cool to be able to play (and in fact I might get around to learning some day);

  • Mandolin
  • Accordian (Or at least Squeeze box)
  • Bagpipes
  • Bass guitar
  • Violin
  • Piano (I've lost it)
  • Drums

  • Sunday, February 04, 2007

    She sees what you're doing over there.

    Saturday, February 03, 2007

    Q: What's another word for a ready-made air-circulation device?

    A: An Instant Fan!