And thus I present to you...........(drumroll)........ a quiz I swiped from Angelo.
1. Sleep with or without clothes on?
2. Prefer black or blue pens?
3. Dress up on Halloween?:
Not this year..... boo-hoo
4. Like to travel?
I like to, but don't have much opportunity.
5. Like someone?
Yeah... a little bit....
6. Do they know?
I should hope so! I tell them enough!
7. Who sleeps with you every night?
Jenny, M'Bear, and Stephie sleeps over sometimes.
8. Think you're attractive?
This question seems so derogatory. I expect it to go "psshhhht" no matter what I answer.
9. Want to get married?
I suppose it'd be nice to share my life with someone.
10. To?
A certain special someone.....
11. Are you a good student?
I have good intentions.
12. Are you currently happy?
Yeah, I'm pretty good.
13. Have you ever cheated?
Once, very epicly unsuccessfully.
14. Birthplace?
15. Christmas or Halloween?
16. Colored or black-and-white photo?
17. Do long distance relationships work?
It's a lot harder, and I mean A LOT, but they can work. It depends on the people.
18. Do you believe in astrology?
I believe that it exists. That it has any effect on my life is another story completely.
20. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not love. Love is a deep emotional connection that simply can't be gained from across a crowded room. Love at first meeting is different.
21. Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
Yikes. There have been times. But there have been other times as well...
23. Do you make fun of people?
Yes. Not constantly or unneccessarily, but yes.
24. Do you think dreams eventually come true?
"Eventually" implies that if you just wait around they'll come true. You gotta want it!
25. Favorite fictional character?
26. Go to the movies or rent?
I enjoy a night out at the theat-ah.
27. Have you ever moved?
No. I am immobile. (sweeps the fact that he was born in Peterborough and now lives in Sudbury quietly under the rug)
28. Have you ever stolen anything?
Yes. Almost got caught too! That put a stop to that!
29. How's the weather right now?
30. Hug or kiss?
Depends on what you're looking for. Hugs are one of the nicest things you can give to a person, but a kiss is not always appropriate. Especially not from your seven foot tall aunt who wears too much lipstick.
31. Last person you talked to on the phone?
32. Last time you showered?
Yesterday morning.
33. Loud or soft music?
34. McDonalds or Burger King?
I'm trying to quit.
35. Night or day?
For what? More things are open during the day. I'll say "evening"
36. Number of Pillows?
Many many many.
37. Piano or guitar?
Piano with a guitar.
38. Future job?
World famous author
39. Current job?
Gallery Attendant/Bingo Caller.
40. Current love?
I think they know... (blush)
41. Current longing?
42. Current disappointment?
The car's predisposition to need expensive fixing when I have the money saved up to buy an iPod.
43. Current annoyance?
I don't even want to say her name.
44. Last thing you ate?
"Sharp Cheddar" Kraft Dinner. Was actually kind of dull.
45. Last thing you bought?
Bus Fare.
46. Most recent thing you are looking forward to?
I don't have bright light at the end of my tunnel. I should get one. Just surviving day to day is good enough.
47. What are you hearing right now?
"Slow Hands" - Interpol, keys clacking.
48. Plans for this weekend?
Work, homework, possibly a little social time.
49. What did you do today?
Went to school, fell asleep, went to class, took part in discussions, marvelled at the guy who thinks that sex is equivelent to love, came home, was disappointed that a package I was hoping for didn't arrive in the mail, made/ate kraft dinner, came to work.
50. Pick a lyric, any lyric.
We're not going to the town,
We're going to the city.